[有捏] page 30 (雷很大, 雷不用錢...)

看板DeathNote作者 (小外省‧二年後)時間16年前 (2009/03/21 20:00), 編輯推噓1(102)
留言3則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/1
我是看到英文版的... 怕翻的不好.. 所以把前兩頁內容對話原汁po上來... 真的雷很大... 請小心服用... [page 1] ============================================================================== 畫面轉到學校教室裡... BRRRR... 最高的手機震動著... 迷朧中的最高心想: Hm? My phone! 最高看了看手機 FUKUDA San?! I'll call him during lunch! 此時場景轉到學校頂樓... 秋人伸著懶腰問道: From FUKUDA Sam? 最高回撥電話邊回: Yeah! 此時電話已經接通... 電話另一頭問道: Did you see today's news-paper? 最高: No! 電話另一頭喊著: If you want to be a manga-ka, Read the paper right now! 最高與秋人因電話聲音透出而有點驚訝! 最高: Oh Uh, I'm sorry... [page 2] ============================================================================== 福田邊看著報紙邊說: The mangaka of "COLORFUSICAL," MAKAINO KOJI is the singer koogy, He even makes a comment "wish me luck"! 最高轉述福田的話告知秋人: He says MAKAINO KOJI is koogy! What... 秋人聽到最高的轉述翻開手機上網查詢... Its true... It's the top entertainment news on the net. 此時場景轉到新妻的工作室中... 新妻還在努力的畫著原稿... 福田: His tactics are dirty! He's trying to get his fans to vote on the survey for him! I got so angry that I'm thinking of going to the editors. I told nakai and he said he'll go too. It's fine going alone but... He thought I should mention it to you guys since You're also entering in the golden future cup... So do you want to come too? [完] -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: jr570952 來自: (03/21 20:01)

03/21 20:02, , 1F
03/21 20:02, 1F

03/21 20:03, , 2F
怕翻的不好... 還是原汁原味才能表現出原意...
03/21 20:03, 2F

03/21 20:14, , 3F
將就一下 http://0rz.tw/AJsHw
03/21 20:14, 3F
文章代碼(AID): #19nDR3sQ (DeathNote)
文章代碼(AID): #19nDR3sQ (DeathNote)