
看板EVA (新世紀福音戰士(陽光沙灘BBS站))作者 (用MAC的高中生)時間27年前 (1998/02/04 19:35), 編輯推噓0(000)
留言0則, 0人參與, 最新討論串1/1
"......Katsuragi? it's me. I guess by the time you listen to this You'll have had so much trouble from me I also owe Riccyan my apology Tell her that I am sorry for her But please do me one more favor Please water the flowers I've been growing Shinji knows where they are Katsuragi The truth is on your side Keep on going without hesitation When I see you again I'll tell you what I could not eight years ago So long" -- 藍色=死亡=Rei=天空=夢=現實的延續 紅色=新生=Auska=血=海=現實=夢的終結 紫色=藍+紅=Shinji=死與新生的循環
文章代碼(AID): #qs5AP00 (EVA)
文章代碼(AID): #qs5AP00 (EVA)