[電影] 好萊塢版攻殼將改編 2nd GIG
美國娛樂網站 io9 的新聞:https://goo.gl/0R5JIZ
製片人 Avi Arad 受訪時說:
We’re not doing Puppetmaster. It’s not Laughing Man. It involves
Kuze. The Kuze story. The big thing we are doing here is that we’
re not necessarily doing an origins backstory, but we are
addressing her sense of self and resolving how she defines herself
in terms of memories. That’s one of the main thrusts in the
story. Inspired by that episode of Affection in Second Gig. It’s
bits and pieces of those mixed together.
roses are #FF0000
violets are #0000FF
all my base
are belong to you
Be a poetic Geek _
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Ghost-Shell/M.1478280351.A.2E6.html
11/06 23:02, , 1F
11/06 23:02, 1F
11/06 23:02, , 2F
11/06 23:02, 2F
11/07 11:22, , 3F
11/07 11:22, 3F
11/08 17:34, , 4F
11/08 17:34, 4F
11/08 17:36, , 5F
11/08 17:36, 5F
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