[歌詞] STILL from 咎狗之血

看板NitroPlus作者 (沼澤)時間18年前 (2006/12/30 00:31), 編輯推噓2(202)
留言4則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/1
好久沒上ニトロ版 沒想到這麼涼 Orz 灌個水貼個歌詞好了 這首STILL可是榮獲今年N+ LIVE票選第一名的歌曲呢 暫且不管有些人不對鏡像社的胃口(霸道) 這首歌仍然十分好聽 伊藤加奈子小姐適合唱搖滾阿~~~ (雖然這首歌配在ending之後感覺就是一整個到) 那麼 歌詞 STILL Everything now ruthlessly torn apart All the things once I had gone Can't you hear, the dark blades of the night craving for that wound you'll bleed lost of all tears my sight blinded of faith lost voices call in pain (but)nothing answers Still I remember (and) Still I see (yeah) Awoken in the scorched out land of grief And yet something grows within Stretch out, egnite the light Can I still believe? the Amber Sunset the brown soil lullabuys Green leaves on your skin Still I see (Still I believe) white morning lights the soothing of noon breeze silence of the stars filled the nights now shattered to pieces (all are but memorys) Still I remember (and) Still I see (yeah) breathing the sound of life reviving the truth someday even through blinded eyes Still I remember (and) Still I see (yeah) spawning the world with light hear the sound come to life even through blinded eyes Still I see -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/30 00:44, , 1F
太涼了真是抱歉orz 最近俺在忙著從有名大站搬家的事
12/30 00:44, 1F

12/30 00:46, , 2F
12/30 00:46, 2F

01/01 03:17, , 3F
在下也要來道歉orz 2007年會好好努力的(努力啥XD
01/01 03:17, 3F

01/05 03:54, , 4F
推一下~ 我居然到現在還沒玩過咎狗...綠川fan失格啊 > <
01/05 03:54, 4F
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