小道消息 ........
1. 松本泉的左腳大概一個月內復原
2. 據推測,松本泉不想搞 digital comics 了 ( Comic On )
3. AnimeEigo 和 東寶 大約在年底簽訂 KOR TV series 的 Video & LD 出版合約
有預約的 tape $360 LD $400
現在訂的 tape $420 LD $480
1-6 July, 1998
7-12 December, 1998
資料來源 http://www.ulis.ac.jp:9090/~d125/kor.html
Izumi MATSUMOTO showed his thank to them who sent
him email of sympathy, on November 9,1997.
(He was surpried because many people out of Japan sent him it.)
According to it, he already put off a cast from his left leg,
and will recover to walk with ease after a month (?) .
"Comic on" editorial staffs have had big problem since Spring,
and they face life-or-death question for continuance of "Comic on".
He didn't write about what the problem is, but fans in Japan felt
it from some occurances.
He wrote that he will write more detail on "Hensyuh tyuuki"
(sort of an editorial note) on their site.
AnimEigo, Toho, and the producers of Kimagure Orange Road
(= Studio Pierrot) have reached agreement on the terms of
a license for the entire series. A contract now is being
drafted, and should be signed by the end of the year.
The set will be available in two forms, LaserDisc ($400)
and VHS Tape ($360). This price is only available to those
who supported the project, and preordered. If you order now,
the LD set will cost you $480 and the VHS tape set will cost
you $420. The first batch of 6 tapes and LDs will be shipped
in July, 1998. The second batch of 6 tapes and LDs will be
shipped in December, 1998.
Animeigo says that they may repress if there is sufficient
demand, but don't bet on it, and will continue to sell the
series on Tape, both individually and in a box set.
OrangeRoad 近期熱門文章
PTT動漫區 即時熱門文章