[新聞]New KOR fanzine is added to my image a …
主題:New KOR fanzine is added to my image archive on the web.
日期:Sun, 31 Oct 1999 08:37:34 +0900
送件人:Taisuke ITONO <itono@ulis.ac.jp>
Today I uploaded all images from the KOR fanzine "Orange Marmalade"
published in the last Comiket (in August, at Tokyo Big Sight) by
Takahashi Madoka (WONDER LAND, the author of "Kimagure Angel") &
Ryuka Aya (Barbaroi no Sato), with their permission.
These images are available at the URL below. Please drop in ! :
昨天ITONO 桑 U/L KOR 迷的同人作品"オレンジ マーマどレード"
是由"りゅうか 綾" 及 "高橋 まどか" 兩人的共同創作。
mailto:iyhlih@ms3.hinet.net <Jyh Lih> ____________☆-古靈精怪-☆*
http://tacocity.com.tw/Abcb ______________________★-Abcb-★*
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