[新聞]Invitation : volunteer for "Comic on" …

看板OrangeRoad作者 (古靈精怪)時間25年前 (2000/03/30 00:18), 編輯推噓0(000)
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主題: Invitation : volunteer for "Comic on" Website 日期: Tue, 28 Mar 2000 22:59:12 +0900 送件人: Taisuke ITONO <taisuke@itono.com> 1) Seiichi Fujikura, "Comic on"'s webmaster, is inviting Chinese and/or Taiwanese translator for their website. Original text written in English is translated from Japanese text by me. (I have undertaken translation between Japanese and English, but I don't know both Chinese and Taiwanese. ) If you will help Matsumoto through this volunteer task, please apply to me (taisuke@itono.com). Corrector for English text is also welcome. 2) Due to the tasks for Comic on's website, frequency of update of my website becomes very SLOW. But it means I can pick up KOR-related topics if they aren't about illegal acts. 3) I relocated to Osaka from Tsukuba on 14th of this month. Current address is:------- ^^;(這段可不用了) Comic on 的站長Seiichi Fujikura 急需一位懂中日翻譯的人才 如果您願意幫忙,可以與該站連絡,如果您英文能力不錯 也可以與Taisuke 連絡。 看了Comic on 裡的Abcb bbs 留言,發現他們目前非常需要一位 翻譯中文的翻譯員,好像要幫忙松本老師幕未綿羊娘情史連載網頁 作翻譯工作(不知是不是這樣翻的,日文看不太懂)。 懂日文的朋友可以幫他們一下嗎? Comic on 的站長Seiichi Fujikura E-mail 是sennna@ea.mbn.or.jp 而Taisuke 的E-Mail 是taisuke@itono.com 4月1日 高田老師的簽名會我會過去(即使老闆強迫加班我還是會想法子過去的) 到時候看到一個穿白色外套,後面寫著"Abcb Web Master" 就是我啦! 不知各位有沒有想到什麼樣的見面方式? 至於3月31日,本來也想到看看高田老師的記者會(看看老師的新作..^_^) ,不過公司PM6:00 下班,最近ISO 要績核了,希望能過去看看 ...:( 如果還不知道活動時間及流程可到我站上看看,有宣傳用的DM 秀出.. -- mailto:iyhlih@ms3.hinet.net <Jyh Lih> ____________☆-古靈精怪-☆* http://tacocity.com.tw/Abcb ______________________★-Abcb-★*
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文章代碼(AID): #uuYo_00 (OrangeRoad)