[轉錄]Alchemy of Love 天地無用劇場版片尾曲 …
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Alchemy of Love 愛的鍊金術
Come to you across the divide 跨越了時空的隔閤,我找尋妳
looking out-a wrinkle in time 看著時空的扭曲,我心已決
There is nothing less I would do 為了真理挺身而出
than to stand up-for truth
In the cold dark ways of this lonely place 在這通往孤寂理想的寒冷黑暗
I will warm you,hold you 道路上,我會守著妳,使妳溫暖
a gold shield glistens and your breath quickens 隨著妳的呼吸加快,我會以散著
I stand-close by over you 金光的盾守在妳身旁
*Two hands hold strong and sure *我們的雙手緊握,隨著堅信的
with the power of one 一致力量,穿過一切隔閤我們的
reaching out past the walls 試鍊
that can hold you
We are guardians,warriors ,戰士.創造,建立了
come from somewhere to mind 愛的鍊金術
what creates and shapes
the Alchemy of Love
There is a chian of light out across the endless skies 跨越無盡蒼穹的光鍊
and I see the energy that reflects me in your light 我看到了,在妳眼中反射的
and keeps us both alive,and keeps us both alive 能量,使我們都能活下去
Evening and the shadows will come 夜和黑暗遲早會襲來的吧!
to destroy what we have done 摧毀我們所建立的一切
but always will the power of Love 但是,愛的力量
shine a light-bright as the sun 將總是像太陽般閃耀著
When the cold dark waves and the shores break 當寒冷的黑暗襲來,一切都毀去
I'm around you-found you 我會依然在妳身旁
A gold sword fires and night expires 金色的劍,劃破黑夜
bringing light-surrounding you 帶來環繞妳的光芒
*重覆兩次 *重覆兩次
旅夜書懷 杜甫
細草微風岸 危檣獨夜舟
星垂平野闊 月湧大江流
名豈文章著 官應老病休
飄飄何所似 天地一沙鷗
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