[情報] Winnie the Pooh (2011)

看板Winnie作者 (Camel)時間13年前 (2010/11/12 18:28), 編輯推噓7(701)
留言8則, 8人參與, 最新討論串1/1
今天在爛番茄亂逛時 突然發現一隻小笨熊的圖片! 原來睽違了35年 小熊維尼終於要出正式電影版了! Winnie the Pooh (2011) Genre: Animation, Kids & Family Synopsis: Walt Disney Animation Studios returns to the Hundred Acre Wood with "Winnie the Pooh," the first big-screen Pooh adventure from Disney animation in... Walt Disney Animation Studios returns to the Hundred Acre Wood with "Winnie the Pooh," the first big-screen Pooh adventure from Disney animation in more than 35 years. With the charm, wit and whimsy of the original featurettes, this all-new movie reunites audiences with the philosophical "bear of very little brain" and friends Tigger, Rabbit, Piglet, Kanga, Roo-and last, but certainly not least, Eeyore, who has lost his tail. "Well a tail is either there or it isn't there," said Pooh. "And yours isn't... there." Owl sends the whole gang on a wild quest to save Christopher Robin from an imaginary culprit. It turns out to be a very busy day for a bear who simply set out to find some hunny. Inspired by five stories from A.A. Milne's books in Disney's classic, hand-drawn art style, "Winnie the Pooh" hits theaters July 15, 2011. Directed By: Stephen J. Anderson (未來小子), Don Hall Rated: Unrated 當然是普遍級XD In Theaters: Jul 15, 2011 Wide 預告: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbFz--GCkOM
好高興是2D的! 幸好迪士尼沒有把什麼東西都拿來3D化... 蜂蜜的顏色好漂亮啊~ 可憐屹耳 尾巴又... 還有主題曲是搭配 Somewhere Only We Know 整個氣氛和歌詞都很合百畝森林~ 好期待~希望台灣會上映! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: th11211 來自: (11/12 18:32)

11/12 20:52, , 1F
11/12 20:52, 1F

11/12 22:29, , 2F
台灣上映一定去看!! 好期待!!!
11/12 22:29, 2F

11/13 01:40, , 3F
11/13 01:40, 3F

11/13 15:39, , 4F
剛好也看到消息 好想看!!!!!
11/13 15:39, 4F

11/13 20:42, , 5F
是2D的 感動Q_Q 我真的很受不了3D
11/13 20:42, 5F

11/13 22:48, , 6F
我要看 >///<
11/13 22:48, 6F

11/15 10:04, , 7F
11/15 10:04, 7F

11/21 18:49, , 8F
11/21 18:49, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #1CtHR6hX (Winnie)
文章代碼(AID): #1CtHR6hX (Winnie)