[分享] 皇太子阿薩斯與邪劍霜之哀傷現身

看板cosplay (角色扮演 扮裝)作者 (pd)時間8年前 (2016/09/03 00:07), 編輯推噓0(000)
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為了方便外國朋友閱讀,我們文章會有中英文兩種版本,中文在下面喔! ●Descriptions for the armor of Crown Prince Arthas: We want this costume to be both accurate and light-weighted. For the entire armor I use vacuum molding technology in order to keep it substantial but also as light as possible, the process completed from epoxy putty molding to vacuum die-casting at one go. Instead of EVA, I adopt abs plastic sheets so the surfaces are smooth and flawless for a closer look, and also waterproof. Epoxy putty carving took places from prototype to finished product, we put LED lights inside the lion head on armor, for coating we try to make it looked more authentic and weathered by using multilayer color. Cloak and loincloth are made by Emi Workshop. As for the chainmail part we use laser EVA sheets and sizing treatment to shorten the making process on a long-sleeve expandable shirt, and finally a co-operated coloring. ●About the runeblade Frostmourne: We want to represent the blade just like it in the original novel, in my knowledge, Frostmourne is a runeblade incapable of engulf souls, in order to create this image we took some ways different than the others. A draft of the blade of Frostmourne - a pattern of wailing souls of all races - this is the main core and also the characteristic of our Frostmourne, to make everyone comprehends that this is truly a blade can devour your soul. To modify the structure, we mold all the decorations on Frostmourne and assemble them to complete the blade, and finally the coloring and external refurbishment. The whole blade itself weights 3kg, with rechargeable lithium batteries and can be charged with Micro USB, glowing with LED lights. We spend quite some thoughts on its luminous and firmness by adopting massive among of mixed plastic materials such as FRP, iron bars and Epoxy putty in order to make it not only radiant but also safe to carry with. Whole gear weathering and co-coloring:Coneco Lin couples Art of blade pattern: Shredder Mei & Coneco Lin couples Laser carving, wiring, blade molding and assembling: Devon Hsin Carving, molding and assembling: Shredder Mei Cosplayer: Evil King Make-up: 巧可 Finally I would like to thank Soysorce Jing,吳智商,黃金德 for the help during making process. 有關於巫妖王阿薩斯皇太子造型鎧甲的事: 這套cos裝備我們講究的是輕兼具造型。 為了輕到極限保持一定的堅固,我使用了真空成型技術,完成全部鎧甲的部份,由塑鋼土 成型>真空壓模一氣呵成,由於是abs塑膠片而不是eva,所以表面較光滑也比較可以近看 ,此外也不怕水。這套鎧甲從原型到製成採用塑鋼土雕刻,鎧甲的獅子頭採用led發光, 上色部份我們採用了較有層次感的舊化處理。披風,兜檔布部份由emi工作室製作,鎖子 甲部份採用雷切eva片甲縮短製程,在長繡彈性衣服上膠製作完成,並採多人協力上色。 有關於邪劍霜之哀傷: 我們想重現的是小說,原作中的感覺,在我的認知裡,霜之哀傷必須是一把吞噬靈魂的邪 劍,所以我們採用不同於他人的方式,呈現出我要的感覺。 霜之哀傷畫完劍刃線稿,刀刃的全種族靈魂哀嚎圖,這是我們霜之哀傷的主幹也是它的主 要特色,讓大家感受到這真的是一把吸取靈魂的邪劍。 劍體結購強度調整,首先我們將裝飾品翻模,組裝整體,將刀刃整把完成,最後進行上色 跟後續外部整修。整把劍約三公斤,採用鋰離子充電電池,Micro usb充電,用led發光, 整把劍在發光跟固定上用了不少巧思,採用了玻璃纖孫維,鐵條,塑鋼土等大量複合式塑 材,讓劍不但好看,也更加安全。 全裝備舊化和上色協力:Coneco Lin夫妻 劍刃圖案美工:Shredder Mei & Coneco Lin夫妻 雷雕,配線,劍柄開模,劍刃組裝:Devon Hsin 全鎧甲雕塑,真空成型,全鎧甲組裝:Shredder Mei Cosplayer:Evil King 化妝:巧可 最後要感謝Soysorce Jing,吳智商,黃金德的協力幫忙。 我們有參加今年的暴雪比賽,希望您喜歡我們的作品,支持我們,014,謝謝大家。 http://i.imgur.com/oOJvgeY.jpg
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文章代碼(AID): #1NoQEvix (cosplay)