[歌詞] 砂の城-The Castle of Sand (朱-Aka- IN)

看板AC_Music (動畫卡通音樂)作者 (*仝ω仝)人(゚◇゚*)時間17年前 (2008/03/09 18:30), 編輯推噓1(103)
留言4則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/1
砂の城-The Castle of Sand- (Game) 朱-Aka- IN From 朱-Aka- オリジナルサウンドトラック Disc2 06 作詞:片岡とも 作曲:高瀬一矢 編曲:上松範康 歌手:島宮えい子 ==================================================================== From burning sky, There is white and burning sun. The horizon reflects, waveringly in my eyes The blowing sand, is filling up the sky and a ripple spreads, far away just like the sea. Umm... You make me come to the leeward with no words Your shadow covers me from white sun and burned sands. I wanna say word 'cauz I want to tell you But the sound of sands, (are) drowning out the all my voice away. The Castle of sand, a hand that reaches out to get but I can't. (I) don't even know what I want. The Castle of sand, so fragile, disappears right after (I) built. It's just a glare, the light spreads out through my fingers. Vaguely I heard the wind Singing... Built and disappears. When the wind stops, from the hot and burning sky. And your hemp robe shines, in the contrast with the sky. The setting sun, colors everything into orange. The silence comes, as if it's the sea in midnight. In the cold night sky, we're waiting the sunrise, Hands on the ground and build sand castle with fingers. Even it's so fragile, uncertain, and it blows in the wind, Now it is surely here, my proof. The Castle of sand, a hand that reaches out to get but I can't. (I) don't even know what I want. The Castle of sand, so fragile, disappears right after (I) built. It's just a glare, the light spreads out through my fingers. Vaguely I heard the wind Singing... Built and disappears. (The Castle of sand) (The Castle of sand) (but it's surely hear I see) The Castle of sand, a hand that reaches out to get but I can't. (I) don't even know what I want. The Castle of sand, so fragile, disappears right after (I) built. It's just a glare, the light spreads out through my fingers. Vaguely I heard the wind Singing... Built and disappears. -- ┼┼ ┌─┬┬─┐ ┼┼ ┼─── ╭┴┴┴ ┼┼ █▅▅▅ ╭┬┬┬┤ │ ╱ ┼┼ ┼┼ ┼┼ ┼┼ ___ ┼┼ ▕鹿▏ ┼┼ ╰┴┴┴╯ ┴ ╲ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/09 18:35, , 1F
03/09 18:35, 1F

03/09 18:37, , 2F
03/09 18:37, 2F

03/09 20:23, , 3F
03/09 20:23, 3F

03/09 20:28, , 4F
看錯歌名XD 應該先去看MAD確認的...Orz
03/09 20:28, 4F
文章代碼(AID): #17qxn50Z (AC_Music)
文章代碼(AID): #17qxn50Z (AC_Music)