[認真] 翻譯典芬200週年紀念郵票

看板APH作者 (音刃)時間13年前 (2012/04/01 20:10), 編輯推噓21(2101)
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                  *請注意:內容含女性向典芬配對*             其實原本想用「瑞桑的第101封情書」當標題,但是考慮到標題應該要含蓄(?)一點,所 以只好放棄了XD     典芬兩百週年紀念郵票「Two Countries - One Future」的整版郵票和首日封裡面,附 上了關於瑞典及芬蘭友好情感的說明。     有瑞典、德、英三種語文,因為我只看得懂英文,所以下面是由英文翻出來的不標準譯 文,歡迎各位抓錯誤小蟲喔~^^             Two Countries - One Future Sheet(整版郵票)         Sweden and Finland have never been at war with each other.     瑞典和芬蘭之間沒有戰爭過。       This is unique for neighboring countries, not just in Scandinavia but in our whole war-torn world. It would be nice to think it was all down to our peaceful Nordic temperament, but history tells us otherwise : After all, Sweden has battled with a great many countries all over Europe. And the Finns haven't exactly shied away from a good fight whenever the opportunity arose, ever since the days of the Hakkapelites. Even so, we have never brought arms against each other.     這是非常獨特的鄰國關係,不只在斯堪地那維亞半島,也在我們充滿戰爭的世界裡。把 這個情況歸功於北歐和平特質的想法是很好,但是歷史呈現另一種觀點:畢竟,瑞典和歐洲 許多偉大的國家打過仗。而被稱為Hakkapelites的芬蘭人,只要有打仗的機會,無論何時、 他們從不迴避。但即使如此,我們從來不曾彼此爭戰。       Our countries are bound by a strong sympathy, which is in fact quite odd. While commerce and immigration may have mutually influenced us for decades, there could hardly be two more different kinds of people :     我們的國家被強烈的情感連結在一起,這其實相當特別。雖然近幾十年來受到商業和移 民很深的影響,但幾乎沒有另外兩個民族比我們更不一樣:     The social aptitude of the Swedes clashes with the Finns' agrarian tradition of straight-to-the point clarity.     瑞典人的社會化特質與芬蘭人率直清晰的農業傳統思想會相互碰撞。       But what is this unlikely sympathy based on? For Finland, we can find part of the answer in contemporary history : So many children were evacuated to Sweden during the war, and even though the end results were not always great there is no question about the magnificent goodwill Sweden showed when storm cloud gathered over Finland.   但是這幾乎不可能發生的情感出自於哪裡呢?以芬蘭來說,我們可以在近代歷史中找到 答案:非常多的兒童在戰爭中受到瑞典的庇護,此外,即使最終的結果不是盡如人意,但毫 無疑問地瑞典對於身陷戰爭風暴的芬蘭展現了宏大的善意。       But why do Swedes like Finland?   但是為什麼瑞典人喜歡芬蘭呢?       It could be beacause Finns have been immigrating to Sweden for more then 800 years, and they have played a big part in making Sweden what it is today. Finland is quite simply a part of Sweden's everyday life.     這可能是因為芬蘭人曾經持續八百多年遷移入瑞典,他們是造就今日瑞典的重要功臣。 芬蘭是瑞典每日生活的一部份。       Ferries pass between our countries frequently. But there are also bridges, invisible though they may be : Bridges of sympathy, curiosity, shared history and mutual goodwill.     我們兩國之間的渡輪往來頻繁。還有其他各式各樣的橋樑,雖然它們可能是隱形的—— 情感的橋樑、好奇心的橋樑,還有共享歷史、相互親善的橋樑。       A new age is dawning on our world. Economies are shaking, centers of gravity shifting. In such turbulent times it's nice to have such deeply established historical roots. Together we stand strong, and together we can grow our branches higher and higher towards future heavens.     一個新的時代正在我們的世界開展。經濟震盪,世界重心轉移。在這個暗流洶湧的時間 點,擁有如此深厚的歷史根源是件好事。我們肩並肩、堅定地站在一起,並且一同伸展我們 茂盛的枝椏、直到觸及未來的天堂。       For us, the sun has risen.   對我們來說,朝陽已經升起。                                      Mark Levengood             Two Countries - One Future First Day Covers(首日封)         There was great upheaval in Europe in the early 19th century.     十九世紀初期,歐洲非常動盪不安。       Due to war and new borders, Finland became an autonomous Grand Duchy under the Russian Czar in 1809. This brought an end to 600 years of Sweden and Finland being one country. But the close ties between the people remained, and cooperation between the two countries changed form. 1809 also marked the starting point for both countries' development into the modern, highly developed democracies they are today. Relations between Sweden and Finland are now closer than ever, particularly since they both became EU Member States.     因為戰爭及重新分割疆界,芬蘭在1809年變成了俄國沙皇統轄的自治大公國。這也為瑞 典和芬蘭同為一國的600年歲月劃下了休止符。但是兩國人們之間的緊密聯繫依然維持著, 只是兩國的合作方式改變了形式。1809年同時也是兩國今日高度民主的發展起點。現在瑞典 和芬蘭的關係比以往任何時候都還要親密,尤其是在他們一起加入歐盟之後。       The constitution of 1809 made Sweden a constitutional monarchy. The King, Karl XIV Johan at the time, was to rule the country but would require government approval. The Office of the Parliamentary Ombudsmen was established in connection with the 1809 Instrument of Government as a kind of parliamentary equivalent to the Chancellor of Justice.     1809年的憲法使瑞典成為一個君主立憲制的國家。當時的國王Karl XIV Johan能治理國 家,但是需要政府的同意。國會監察使是1809年和政府組織法一起被創立的職務,類似議會 體制中的司法總監。       Source : Swedish Government Offices and Sweden's National Encyclopedia (NE)         — — — — — — — — — —        萌心得及附註:         當初一開箱看到整版郵票上那句「Finland is quite simply a part of Sweden's eve ryday life」的時候,瞬間有種視網膜被閃爛的錯覺。     老夫老妻的大茂黑瓜明天吃素也不過如此境界,因為瑞桑面癱就以為他不會甜言蜜語的 我、實在是太掉以輕心了*﹏*     可以從頭到尾不停炫耀兩國感情有多好、多深厚,而且完全臉不紅氣不喘的官方文書, 這輩子還真是沒見過。     尤其是最後居然還打算用愛突破天堂大門(並沒有),完全體現了瑞桑對芬芬至高無上 的愛,這麼澎湃洶湧的感情,可能連小冰家的火山爆發都比不上……     Anyway,這篇總歸只有兩句:「我愛芬芬,芬芬愛我。」XD           *整版郵票中提到芬蘭人被稱為Hakkapelites,意義請見本版第3238篇文章「他有怪力 他超強」。     *首日封的1809 Instrument of Government,是專指瑞典1809年時創建的憲章。     *首日封會特別提到國會監察使(Parliamentary Ombudsman)這個職務,是因為瑞典 是第一個設置國會監察使的國家。     *首日封裡面的司法總監(Chancellor of Justice)這個制度,全世界除了瑞典和芬 蘭以外,就只有愛沙尼亞有設置。會在說明裡特別提到,大概是因為覺得這樣可以表現瑞典 與芬蘭之間的淵源吧X///D         本篇文章網誌版:http://blog.yam.com/upbp4/article/44222927     感謝大家收看^///^ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/01 20:31, , 1F
(戴墨鏡)今天是愚人節不是情人節啊wwwww 翻譯感謝:)
04/01 20:31, 1F
今天的確不是情人節,可是這麼閃的官方文件,簡直就像是愚人節的產物XDb 雖然瑞桑應該是再認真也不過了

04/01 21:13, , 2F
04/01 21:13, 2F
這份說明真是有如極光一樣照亮了整個北極<( ̄︶ ̄)/.**

04/01 21:55, , 3F
04/01 21:55, 3F

04/01 23:57, , 4F
我愛芬芬,芬芬愛我。XDDDD 被閃得好開心~!!
04/01 23:57, 4F

04/02 00:03, , 5F
04/02 00:03, 5F

04/02 04:36, , 6F
04/02 04:36, 6F
真的…… 我一直在想瑞桑他怎麼都不會害羞呢……我都快臉紅到翻不下去了-////-

04/02 08:01, , 7F
04/02 08:01, 7F

04/02 08:02, , 8F
XD 瑞家人就真的很愛芬家人這樣XDDDDDD
04/02 08:02, 8F
芬芬就是……常常有點害羞轉彆扭的感覺, 又因為成長背景的關係,所以多少會有比較競爭的心態~ 瑞桑對芬芬表達感情就毫無障礙了XD

04/02 08:08, , 9F
04/02 08:08, 9F

04/02 09:05, , 10F
04/02 09:05, 10F

04/02 14:33, , 11F
04/02 14:33, 11F

04/02 20:33, , 12F
04/02 20:33, 12F

04/03 00:27, , 13F
04/03 00:27, 13F
是愛,是瑞桑的愛啊╰( ̄▽ ̄)╭

04/03 10:41, , 14F
04/03 10:41, 14F

04/03 13:07, , 15F
花蛋來 我眼睛被你的主人閃瞎了(摸索)
04/03 13:07, 15F

04/03 18:32, , 16F
04/03 18:32, 16F

04/03 18:42, , 17F
04/03 18:42, 17F
AoiSha:轉錄至看板 BL 04/03 18:42 呃、在我還沒想清楚該怎麼反應前,版主已經幫我處理好了,感謝~XDb 除了APH版規不允許之外,AoiSha君以後請留意: 即使版規允許,借轉是要等原PO答應、才可以有所動作,比較禮貌。 因為不告而借就……就是不太妥當^^b 瑞桑平時可是都把情感深藏在眼底呢~ (然後會突然爆發嚇到芬芬、閃瞎大家XDb)

04/03 20:41, , 18F
04/03 20:41, 18F

04/04 21:40, , 19F
04/04 21:40, 19F

04/04 22:51, , 20F
04/04 22:51, 20F

04/04 23:54, , 21F
沒有戰爭真的很難得 非常不容易
04/04 23:54, 21F
只能說是命運和緣分,他們在對的時間遇見對的彼此^//////^ ※ 編輯: rupnjo 來自: (04/06 10:08)

07/31 20:29, , 22F
我雖然現在才看到這篇也是被閃瞎了, 臉上掛著幸福傻笑www
07/31 20:29, 22F
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