[新聞] Half-Life:Alyx公佈後 Valve的VR裝置大賣

看板C_Chat (希洽)作者 (瘋法師)時間4年前 (2019/11/29 11:41), 4年前編輯推噓12(12014)
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Valve Index is Sold Out in Some Regions Following ‘Half-Life: Alyx’ Announcement https://www.roadtovr.com/valve-index-sold-out-stock-half-life-alyx/ Most packages of Index, Valve’s high-end VR headset released earlier this year, are sold out following last week’s announcement of Half-Life: Alyx. If Valve is counting on Half-Life: Alyx being a killer app for VR, early signs suggest they may just get their wish. While Valve’s Index headset was backordered at launch earlier this year, a few months later it became available for ‘immediate shipping’ and stock appears to have held steady ever since… until now. Following last week’s announcement of Half-Life: Alyx, most Index packages— the headset-only, controllers-only, and headset + controller packages—are currently listed in the US and Canadian stores as sold out with a ‘Back in Stock Soon’ message in place of the order button. As for the ‘full kit’ package (headset + controllers + base stations) in the US, Valve is advising that anyone ordering today can “expect delivery before December 25th,” nearly a month from now. Valve sells Index in 31 countries; so far we’ve confirmed stock shortages in the US and Canada. Update (November 28th, 2019): Road to VR reader Immersive Computing reports that the UK version of the Steam store is showing regular 4-8 day delivery times on all Index kits. We’ve also confirmed that availability in Italy is nominal. If you can access the Steam store in a region other than the US, UK, and Italy, please check the Index page on Steam and drop us a comment below with what kind of shipping availability you see on each kit. While Valve has confirmed that Half-Life: Alyx will be compatible with all PC VR headsets via Steam, the game is expected to play best on Index thanks in part to the advanced finger-tracking capabilities of the Index controllers. Valve also announced that it would be giving Half-Life: Alyx away to any owners of Index hardware (headset or controllers). This article may contain affiliate links. If you click an affiliate link and buy a product we may receive a small commission which helps support the publication. See here for more information. ==== 簡單來說,在Half-Life: Alyx公佈後,Valve自家的VR裝置Index在數個地區賣到缺貨。 確認的地區有美國、英國和加拿大。 -- 我的故事可不那麼讓人覺得舒服。它不是那種有著甜蜜歡樂情節的幻想小說。 我的故事充滿了混亂而又難以察覺的陰影,充滿了瘋狂和噩夢, 和那些不再自欺欺人地生活的人們一樣。 ──赫曼‧赫塞── -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1574998878.A.06D.html ※ 編輯: wizardfizban ( 臺灣), 11/29/2019 11:42:34

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台灣買運費超貴 氣到彈出來
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