Everything you've ever dreamed 英文歌詞

看板EVA (新世紀福音戰士(陽光沙灘BBS站))作者 (S2 WORKS實在太貴啦~~)時間23年前 (2001/10/08 22:30), 編輯推噓0(000)
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跟Komm, susser Tod一樣 都是庵大教主先寫出日文原詞後再改寫成英文歌詞 也同樣都是ARIANNE所演唱 目前為止只在S2 WORKS裡聽到有收錄 ( M-11[初收錄] ) 個人的主觀的感覺 感覺像是長輩唱給真嗣聽再安慰他似的 尤其是第一段...... 看到第一段我第一個直覺就是想到第十五話噓と沈默 怎麼覺得好像媽媽在安慰失戀的小孩呢.....|||| 不知道初號機去找貳號機理論會是怎麼樣的情形 (贅言贅言....|||) Everything you've ever dreamed What was it she did to break your heart Betray your heart and everything Kiss you with a kiss wasn't true It wasn't you at all Hide behind a painted smile, did you know that You would live a lie or two Pull the very ground from under you And leave you nowhere else to run You can sail the seven seas and find Love is a place you'll never see Passing you like a summer breeze You feel like has no other reason to be You can wait millon years and find That heaven too far away from you Love's just a thing others do What is love Til it comes home to you Did she promise you the world and did that Girl just throw yor love away Leave you like a lonely solitaire With just despir for company Do you you think you'd find revenge so sweet Make it so youhearts will never beat Squeeze the very last and dying breath from Everything you've ever dreamed You can sail the seven seas and find Love is a place you'll never see Passing you like a summer breeze You feel like has no other reason to be You can wait millon years and find That heaven too far away from you Love's just a thing others do What is love Til it comes home to you You can sail the seven seas and find Love is a place you'll never see Passing you like a summer breeze You feel like has no other reason to be You can wait millon years and find That heaven too far away from you Love's just a thing others do What is love Til it comes home to you -- 什麼? 日文原詞? 改天吧......bbbbb -- Fly me to the moon And let me play among the stars Let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars In other words, hold my hand In other words, darling, kiss me! Fill my heart with song And let me sing forevermore You are all I long for All I worship and adore In other words, please be ture! In other words, I love you!
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