[問題] 急問尋求協助RIBBON應募開始原則上不接受海外

看板GirlComics (少女漫畫)作者 (都 )時間22年前 (2003/04/03 11:17), 編輯推噓0(000)
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大家好 希望各位能幫我個忙我也不知道要如何處理比較好 我先分幾個部分方便大家了解 先謝謝大家幫忙與解惑 感激不盡 一.主要的問題 A.我要如何拿回其他3個應募品 B.照如此推算集英社其他雜誌應募以後也是同樣做法要如何因應 C.郵資要如何算才算合理 D.是否該繼續應募下去或有其他解決之道 二.我的情形 我在昨天4月2號收到集英社ribbon2.3月號的連續應募包裹一份 內有一份應募品+4個信封+一封信 此次應募是4樣我每次都會全部都應募也會在指定切手外多加200元切手以貼補出版社郵資 但他退回的3個信封中沒有我寄去的切手只有應募券 而信的內容我才疏學淺所以把原文po上希望各位大人能翻譯一下 Dear our devoted readers Thank you for your interests in ''ribbon''gift-present service. Please do not hesitate to apply to this service even if you now live out of Japan. You can send us you home address and you home-country's stamps total value of which is equal tp our requirement. It is certain that you will receive our gift,although,as you konw, it will take somehow longer time for overseas applicants than domestic. It is our pleasure tp receive letters from overseas readers. We hope that you will enjoy reading ''ribbon'' all through the future. Best regards,
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文章代碼(AID): #-YwVJ00 (GirlComics)