Re: [討論] P90

看板GsGirl作者 (katana)時間18年前 (2006/07/15 16:24), 編輯推噓3(300)
留言3則, 3人參與, 最新討論串6/6 (看更多)
P-90 中文介紹 網站內容是轉貼網頁來的 就是當初全防報導的內容 英文版維基百科介紹 P-90 On April 16 1989, NATO issued document D/296 which called for a "personal defense weapon" (PDW) to enter service in the period after the year 2000.[1] The NATO requirement arose due to a problem with existing pistol caliber cartridges becoming increasingly ineffective at disabling troops equipped with body armor. Contemporary assault rifles were capable of piercing modern armor , but the requirement found the need for lighter and more agile weapons for use in close quarters battle (CQB). In order to satisfy this demand for a small but effective weapon, FN Herstal designed and submitted the Project 90 submachine gun and the 5.7 x 28 mm armor-piercing cartridge, developed specifically for the P90. 關於PDW(personal defense weapon)的定義 PDWs were developed during the late 1980s for non-combatant troops, as compact automatic weapons that could defeat enemy body armor. 當初北約訂出PDW個人防衛武器的規範 而FN為了搶奪這個龐大的潛在市場所以傾全力開發 (自由世界國家二線部隊人員上百萬把的需求) P-90的設計從頭到尾就是為了滿足擊穿3a及防彈衣以及功夫龍頭盔的條件 甚至可以說此彈藥的唯一存在目的即為此 為此還引來削足適履的批評 一昧追求貫穿護甲的能力以及小裝藥低後座而導致殺傷力不足的疑慮 有關P-90特殊緊致的外型其設計原由在上面的中文網站 有很清楚的說明 FN為了滿足設計目標 在這把槍上表現的巧思真的非常令人激賞 同廠的F2000步槍的前方拋殼設計也是神來之筆
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07/15 18:28, , 1F
07/15 18:28, 1F
※ 編輯: k1a1t1a1n1a 來自: (07/15 18:49)

07/15 19:09, , 2F
攻殼中有的槍有參考 P90 FAMAS 還有....我也不知道什麼.
07/15 19:09, 2F

07/15 21:16, , 3F
07/15 21:16, 3F
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