[閒聊] 那首怪歌----Broken English

看板Hellsing作者 (小穗)時間14年前 (2009/10/19 18:32), 編輯推噓4(403)
留言7則, 4人參與, 最新討論串1/1
閑閑竟然翻到了..Broken English 的原唱 (在OVA5屠英國那段的前面吧 做OVA的人真的辛苦了...(拜 這是動畫裡的版本 以下連結1枚 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TY6jDceaBZo
原來這首歌也是找來的 最早是Marianne Faithfull - Broken English 1979 在1979年唱的版本 ...1979年的古董歌...真是虧他們找的出來 附上連結2枚 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-H55V_oma0
(這是最早有唱到六分鐘多的版本) 後來好像有被翻唱過 (不過這段我不太確定就是) Broken English Sunscreem (太陽怒吼合唱團)在1993年唱的版本 風格就比較搖滾 比較接近動畫裡的曲風了 再附連結2枚 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEv_2vwok4U
(這好像是唱現場的?) 有關這兩個版本的演唱者的資料...都實在不太多阿(嘆 Marianne Faithfull後來好像改以從影為主 Sunscreem 現在大概沒剩多少人知道這個團體了吧 (不過他們今年好像有出專輯) 結論: ....是誰想到用這首歌的 不會又是平野的怨念吧 找的人跟翻唱的聲優都辛苦了(拜 最後附完歌詞就可以收工啦~~~ Broken English(Marianne Faithful) Could have come through anytime, Cold lonely, puritan What are you fighting for ? It's not my security. It's just an old war, Not even a cold war, Don't say it in Russian, Don't say it in German. Say it in broken English, Say it in broken English. Lose your father, your husband, Your mother, your children. What are you dying for ? It's not my reality. It's just an old war, Not even a cold war, Don't say it in Russian, Don't say it in German. Say it in broken English, Say it in broken English. What are you fighting for ? What are you fighting for ? What are you fighting for ? What are you fighting for ? What are you fighting for ? What are you fighting for ? Could have come through anytime, Cold lonely, puritan. What are you fighting for ? It's not my security. It's just an old war, Not even a cold war, Don't say it in Russian, Don't say it in German. Say it in broken English, Say it in broken English. Say it in broken English, Say it in broken English. What are you fighting for ? What are you fighting for ? What are you fighting for ? What are you fighting ... 受限於我自己的Broken English(破碎英語吧 看中文好像這樣翻) 就不送翻譯了 期待有哪位英文很不錯的大大把它送出來XD 潛水很久的第一PO XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/19 20:02, , 1F
10/19 20:02, 1F

10/20 00:03, , 2F
10/20 00:03, 2F

10/21 15:18, , 3F
推!! 可以借轉歌詞至網誌嗎?會附上帳號跟說明 : )
10/21 15:18, 3F

10/22 01:09, , 4F
%恩 OK的 ^^
10/22 01:09, 4F

10/22 01:10, , 5F
記得貼網址給我 我也想看XD
10/22 01:10, 5F

11/02 20:58, , 6F
謝謝您: ) 我的無名跟我帳號一樣^^
11/02 20:58, 6F

11/05 20:38, , 7F
11/05 20:38, 7F
文章代碼(AID): #1At40gYZ (Hellsing)
文章代碼(AID): #1At40gYZ (Hellsing)