Re: [情報] 第249迴劇情大綱

看板ShamanKing作者 (gainax)時間21年前 (2003/11/26 15:13), 編輯推噓2(200)
留言2則, 1人參與, 最新討論串14/15 (看更多)
※ 引述《andey (影子)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《liuic99 (gainax)》之銘言: : : 田村崎拿的是這把 : :
: : 全 長 900mm : : 重 量 18.0kg : : 所以還是扛著到處跑 : 看起來這把就是魔鬼州長用過的那把..... : 那支應該是日本人作出來的模型槍(外加合理化設定)... : 在真實世界是沒有這種槍存在的....XD : 開玩笑..一把m16步槍才3.99KG.... : 班用機槍就要兩個人扛了... : 重量不談...單單那後座力..背在肩上完腰射就可以讓你的肩膀脫臼甚至骨折.. 這支真的有 The M134 also saw service in the Vietnam War as a infantry weapon. Capable of being carried into combat by hand. Usually assigned as a 'team' weapon, one infantryman would carry the weapon, the other the ammunition. When needed the two components could be connected in seconds. The M134 is equipped with a small internal rechargeable battery that provides power to the motor and ammunition drive mechanism. the M134 is a sturdy and reliable weapon, whose only major drawback is its appetite for ammunition. the weapon is rarely seen in a situation where easy access to ammunition supplies is an issue. Manufacturer: General Electric USA Weight: 35.2 lbs (16.0 kg) for the gun. A fully loaded ammo box weights an additional 57.2 lbs (26.0 kg). Range: 4,650.0 feet (1500.0 m). Damage: 4D6 points of damage per round. A low speed burst inflicts 2D6 *100! a high speed burst inflicts 4D6 *100! Rate of Fire: The M134 has 2 fire settings. Low and High. the low rate fires 50 rounds per melee (200 per minute). The high rate fires 100 rounds per melee (400 per minute)! Payload: The M134 is usually fitted with a box ammo canister that is worn on the back of the gunner. The Ammo Box holds 2000 rounds, enough ammo for 10 low speed bursts or 2 high speed bursts (and 1 low speed burst). Cost: $ 9,590.00 for a new undamaged gun. Plus ammunition costs. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: liuic99 來自: (11/26 15:19) ※ 編輯: liuic99 來自: (11/26 15:21)

推 11/26, , 1F
把我推文消掉了 =.=
推 11/26, 1F

推 11/26, , 2F
重推 大家停一下 這裡要變軍火版勒
推 11/26, 2F
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