[新聞] 南方四賤客主創開的餐廳,取消小費,付30

看板SouthPark (南方公園)作者 (愛上速霸路)時間10月前 (2023/06/30 23:30), 9月前編輯推噓2(200)
留言2則, 2人參與, 9月前最新討論串1/1
https://9gag.com/gag/a6qjgV8 South Park Creators Remove Tipping From Their Restaurant, Pay Servers $30 An Hour Matt Stone and Trey Parker, the creators of the series'South Park', has banned tippin in their restaurant. The creators own the Mexican restaurant Casa Bonita located Lakewood, Colorado. The creators bought it in 2021 when it filed for bankruptcy. The restaurant reopened last week after a $40 million renovation. The restaurant was even featured in an episode of the seventh season of 'South Park'. One of the main policies of the restaurant is that customers cannot tip their servers. According to Axios Denver, employees were given new contracts days before opening that state servers and bartenders would be paid $30 an hour but would no longer receive tips to supplement their wages. Employees were given one day to decide whether they wanted to sign the new contract or quit. The minimum wage in Colorado is $13.65, according to the state's labor department. A spokesperson for the restaurant, Stefanie Jones, told Axios Denver in a statement: Casa Bonita values its employees. Based on the recent beta testing of our one-of-a-kind restaurant, we have adjusted our compensation system for efficiency and fairness 內容大意是,南方四賤客兩老主創,在2021年買下了一間,在丹佛近郊Lakewood, 宣佈破產的餐廳,他們花了$40 million 重新整修裝簧,上周重新開幕。 這間主題餐廳,也在S07e11出現過。 有一項重大改變,就是南方兩老,禁止小費文化,他們改變的是付給員工$30/HR的時薪。 目前該地區的法定最低工資,是$13.65。 感想: 果然要廢除這種陋習,還是要這種不畏業界壓力的人才辨得到。 影片裡講到,這間是他兩小時候的童年回憶,真像南方四賤客裡說得一樣,Casa Bonita 真的是墨西哥版的迪士尼樂園 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Re5o2I1t5co
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07/02 02:44, 10月前 , 1F
07/02 02:44, 1F

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07/04 10:48, 2F
※ 編輯: Subaru5566 ( 日本), 07/04/2023 11:03:32
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文章代碼(AID): #1adlKnyB (SouthPark)