看板TenchiMuyo作者 (火の鳥)時間27年前 (1997/10/23 12:24), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ [本文轉錄自 Firebird 信箱] 作者: Firebird.bbs@bbs.tmtc.edu.tw 標題: TALENT FOR LOVE Firebird (轉寄) 時間: Tue Oct 21 09:35:38 1997 發信人: nokay.bbs@bbs.ccu.bbs@bbs.wfc.edu.tw (Post Gateway), 信區: comic 標 題: TALENT FOR LOVE 發信站: 吳鳳工商專BBS (Thu Nov 14 19:12:59 1996) 轉信站: tmtcbbs!tmtc760.tmtc!netnews.ntu!spring!News.csie.ncu!news-peer.nctu!n 發信人: KIRA.bbs@bbs.ee.ncu.edu.tw (天照), 信區: comic 標 題: 天地無用--戀愛的才能(英文版) 發信站: 中央大學松濤風情資訊站 (Sat Dec 9 11:37:31 1995) 轉信站: Feeling!news.cs.ccu!suncc.ccu!news.cc.nctu!ccnews.NCTU.edu.Tw!db.csie.n TALENT FOR LOVE ENGLISH VERSION Life is so full of hurry and hustle Sometimes I think It's passing us by The days are like hours, hours like minutes I'm caught up in it till I look in your eyes And to my surprise I find there is a heaven Timeless and real ,making me feel free and alive You touch me ,you kiss me ,and time has no meaning I'm on a rocket to some other zone Baby ,you thrill me whatever you're doing Don't think of stopping until we are light years away All alone...cause I want to keep this Treasure for my very own Your talent for love Try'n to move forward ,pushing and shoving People all get in each other' way But when two lovers find their own magic Nothing eise matters ,'cause they know it will stay And I know somehow our spell will never be broken Timeless and real ,making me feel and alive (CHORUS) ============================================================================== 作詞:Lorraine Feather 作曲:松本恭子 編曲:藤原 演唱:Sharyn Scott =============================================================================== 老實說我覺得英文版比日文版好聽. -- 蒂爾塔.貝倫光皇 A.K.D幻象騎士統帥 天照.迪斯.格蘭德.艾達斯.古利耶斯四世 -- ◎ Origin: 中央松濤站□bbs.ee.ncu.edu.tw From:
文章代碼(AID): #qJj5m00 (TenchiMuyo)
文章代碼(AID): #qJj5m00 (TenchiMuyo)