[情報] 日版單行本第十五集 四格+金木插圖

看板TokyoGhoul作者 (湯武陵)時間6年前 (2018/03/19 17:03), 6年前編輯推噓5(503)
留言8則, 5人參與, 6年前最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
來源:twitter http://i.imgur.com/rvYwtb6.jpg
英文版 from reddit (r/TokyoGhoul) http://i.imgur.com/pWeCSal.jpg
以及15卷中一張金木的插圖 http://i.imgur.com/qFYaSRF.jpg
Englsh translated by kenkamishiro (from kenkamishiro's tumblr:https://tinyurl.com/yauwnd29 ) When I’m hiding something, I end up touching my chin. When Hide is thinking about something, he puts his hand on his cheek. Haise imitates that and touches his cheek. Akira-san braids her hair so that she can remember her parents. Whenever Urie-kun paused, he was thinking about something. When Mutsuki-kun grabs the hem of his shirt, he shuts away his own feelings. Saiko-chan often cried when she thought about her mother. Shirazu-kun said that he wanted to go on a motorcycle trip with his sister. When I saw Touka-chan’s true feelings, she looked straight at me with her right eye. -- 每個人肯定在尋找自己之外的重要東西, 就像你一直在某處觀測著我們一樣, 即使你不存在的這個世界,沒有任何你的痕跡的世界, 人的思念,會超越世界線。 [命運石之門 負荷領域のデジャヴ(負荷領域的既視感)] - 牧瀬 紅莉栖 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TokyoGhoul/M.1521450208.A.833.html

03/19 17:13, 6年前 , 1F
睡了好久 XDDD
03/19 17:13, 1F

03/19 17:44, 6年前 , 2F
四方: 好歹我沒錯過我姐的婚禮
03/19 17:44, 2F

03/19 17:45, 6年前 , 3F
絢都: 好歹我姐沒死
03/19 17:45, 3F

03/19 17:45, 6年前 , 4F
四方: 你知道人體內有幾根骨頭嗎?
03/19 17:45, 4F

03/19 17:46, 6年前 , 5F
月山: 玩耍請注意不要把地板搞髒了 兩位
03/19 17:46, 5F

03/19 18:01, 6年前 , 6F
壞心眼的理世 我可以!
03/19 18:01, 6F

03/19 18:12, 6年前 , 7F
03/19 18:12, 7F
※ 編輯: tom50512 (, 03/19/2018 19:35:37

03/20 01:59, 6年前 , 8F
03/20 01:59, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #1QhtpWWp (TokyoGhoul)
文章代碼(AID): #1QhtpWWp (TokyoGhoul)