[資料] 亞英 SDID SDRB 全卡
https://ntucgm.blogspot.com/2023/11/sdid-sdrb-1111.html (圖文版)
SDID-AE001(UR)Dark Magician(黑魔導)
SDID-AE002(SR)Dark Magician Girl(黑魔導女孩)
SDID-AE003 Magician of Dark Illusion(黑幻想之魔術師)
SDID-AE004 Magician's Robe(魔術師之袍)
SDID-AE005 Magician's Rod(魔術師之杖)
SDID-AE006 Magicians' Souls(魔術師雙魂)
SDID-AE007(SR)Apprentice Illusion Magician(幻想之見習魔導師)
SDID-AE008 Magikuriboh(魔術栗子球)
SDID-AE009 Dimension Conjurer(次元施法者)
SDID-AE010 Jester Confit(糖果小丑)
SDID-AE011 Sangan(三眼怪)
SDID-AE012 Witch of the Black Forest(黑森林女巫)
SDID-AE013 Legion the Fiend Jester(魔道化 利真)
SDID-AE014 Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer(靈滅術師 空海)
SDID-AE015 Breaker the Magical Warrior(魔導戰士 破壞者)
SDID-AE016 Summoner Monk(召喚僧)
SDID-AE017 Spellbook Magician of Prophecy(魔導書士 巴特爾)
SDID-AE018 Armageddon Knight(終末之騎士)
SDID-AE019 Keeper of Dragon Magic(龍魔導守護者)
SDID-AE020 Mana Dragon Zirnitron(魔晶龍 水膽魔導神)
SDID-AE021 Magical Dimension(次元魔法)
SDID-AE022 Dark Magical Circle(黑之魔導陣)
SDID-AE023 Illusion Magic(幻象魔法)
SDID-AE024 Dark Magic Expanded(黑魔導強化)
SDID-AE025 Dark Magic Inheritance(黑魔術的繼承)
SDID-AE026 Soul Servant(魂之僕從)
SDID-AE027 Secrets of Dark Magic(黑魔術的秘儀)
SDID-AE028 Monster Reborn(死者蘇生)
SDID-AE029 Polymerization(融合)
SDID-AE030 Secret Village of the Spellcasters(魔法族之里)
SDID-AE031 Wonder Wand(神奇魔杖)
SDID-AE032 Fusion Substitute(置換融合)
SDID-AE033 Spellbook of Secrets(奧義之魔導書)
SDID-AE034 Spellbook of Knowledge(冰火之魔導書)
SDID-AE035 Fusion Deployment(融合派兵)
SDID-AE036(SR)Eternal Soul(永遠之魂)
SDID-AE037 Magician Navigation(魔術師導航)
SDID-AE038 Magicians' Combination(魔術師的配合)
SDID-AE039 Solemn Judgment(神之宣告)
SDID-AE040 Magic Cylinder(魔法筒)
SDID-AE041 Amulet Dragon(咒符龍)
SDID-AE042(UR)Dark Magician the Dragon Knight(龍騎士黑魔導)
SDID-AEP01(SER)D.D. Crow(D.D.烏鴉)
SDID-AEP02(SER)Droll & Lock Bird(小丑與封鎖鳥)
SDID-AEP03(SER)Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit(幽鬼兔)
SDID-AEP04(SER)Illusion of Chaos(混沌幻象)
SDID-AEP05(SER)Guardian Chimera(守護者奇美拉)
SDID-AEP06(SR)Timaeus the United Dragon(合體龍 迪馬歐斯)
SDID-AEP07(SR)King of the Swamp(沼地的魔神王)
SDID-AEP08(SR)Ebon Illusion Magician(幻想之黑魔導師)
SDID-AEP09(SR)Ebon High Magician(虛空之黑魔導師)
SDID-AEP10(SR)Thousand Knives(千把刀)
SDID-AEP11(SR)Diffusion Wave-Motion(擴散的波動)
SDID-AEP12(SR)Dark Magic Attack(黑˙魔˙導)
SDID-AEP13(SR)The Eye of Timaeus(迪馬歐斯之眼)
SDID-AEP14(SR)Chaos Form(混沌型態)
SDID-AEP15(SR)Piercing the Darkness(被斬裂的黑暗)
SDID-AEP18(SR)Allure of Darkness(暗之誘惑)
SDID-AEP19(SR)Dark Renewal(黑魔族復活之棺)
SDID-AEP20(SR)Mirror Force(聖防護罩 -反射鏡力-)
SDRB-AE001(UR)Blue-Eyes White Dragon(青眼白龍)
SDRB-AE002 Labradorite Dragon(拉長石龍)
SDRB-AE003 Alexandrite Dragon(紫翠玉龍)
SDRB-AE004 Flamvell Guard(赤炎界護衛龍)
SDRB-AE005(SR)Maiden with Eyes of Blue(青之眼的少女)
SDRB-AE006 Protector with Eyes of Blue(青之眼的護人)
SDRB-AE007 Sage with Eyes of Blue(青之眼的賢士)
SDRB-AE008 Master with Eyes of Blue(青之色的祭司)
SDRB-AE009 Rider of the Storm Winds(暴風龍防人)
SDRB-AE010 Keeper of the Shrine(靈廟守護者)
SDRB-AE011 The White Stone of Legend(傳說的白石)
SDRB-AE012 The White Stone of Ancients(太古的白石)
SDRB-AE013 Kaibaman(正義的同伴 海馬人)
SDRB-AE014 Dictator of D.(龍之支配者-龍之獨裁者-)
SDRB-AE015 Hardened Armed Dragon(硬甲龍)
SDRB-AE016 Hieratic Dragon of Nuit(聖刻龍-半龍努特)
SDRB-AE017 Omni Dragon Brotaur(妖醒龍 幼生獄風神)
SDRB-AE018 Chaos Dragon Levianeer(混源龍 巨渦始祖神)
SDRB-AE019 Honest(歐尼斯特)
SDRB-AE020 Carboneddon(碳素龍)
SDRB-AE021 Dragon Shrine(龍的靈廟)
SDRB-AE022 Silver's Cry(銀龍的轟咆)
SDRB-AE023 Burst Stream of Destruction(毀滅的爆裂疾風彈)
SDRB-AE024 Majesty with Eyes of Blue(青之眼的威光)
SDRB-AE025 Vision with Eyes of Blue(青之眼的幻出)
SDRB-AE026 Mausoleum of White(光之靈堂)
SDRB-AE027 Beacon of White(光之引導)
SDRB-AE028 The Melody of Awakening Dragon(龍覺醒旋律)
SDRB-AE029 Dragon Revival Rhapsody(龍復活狂奏)
SDRB-AE030 Dragon Ravine(龍之溪谷)
SDRB-AE031 Terraforming(星球改造)
SDRB-AE032 Trade-In(交易進行)
SDRB-AE033 Cards of Consonance(調和的寶牌)
SDRB-AE034 One for One(一對一)
SDRB-AE035 Enemy Controller(敵人操縱器)
SDRB-AE036(SR)True Light(真之光)
SDRB-AE037 Castle of Dragon Souls(龍魂之城)
SDRB-AE038 Call of the Haunted(活死人的呼聲)
SDRB-AE039 Ring of Destruction(破壞輪)
SDRB-AE040 Champion's Vigilance(王者的看破)
SDRB-AE041(SR)Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon(蒼眼銀龍)
SDRB-AE042(UR)Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon(青眼精靈龍)
SDRB-AEP01(SER)Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon(青眼亞白龍)
SDRB-AEP02(SER)Dragon Spirit of White(白色靈龍)
SDRB-AEP03(SER)Destrudo the Lost Dragon's Frisson(亡龍之戰慄-死欲龍)
SDRB-AEP04(SER)Blue-Eyes Jet Dragon(青眼噴射龍)
SDRB-AEP05(SER)The Ultimate Creature of Destruction(強韌!無敵!最強!)
SDRB-AEP06(SR)Priestess with Eyes of Blue(青之眼的巫女)
SDRB-AEP07(SR)Blue-Eyes Solid Dragon(青眼剛甲龍)
SDRB-AEP08(SR)Stardust Spark Dragon(閃珖龍 星塵)
SDRB-AEP09(SR)Black Rose Moonlight Dragon(月華龍 黑薔薇)
SDRB-AEP10(SR)Bingo Machine, Go!!!(賓果機GO!GO!)
SDRB-AEP11(SR)Return of the Dragon Lords(復活的福音)
SDRB-AEP12(SR)Harpie's Feather Duster(神鷹女郎的羽毛掃)
SDRB-AEP13(SR)Foolish Burial(愚蠢的埋葬)
SDRB-AEP14(SR)Book of Moon(月之書)
SDRB-AEP15(SR)Forbidden Chalice(禁忌的聖杯)
SDRB-AEP16(SR)Forbidden Lance(禁忌的聖槍)
SDRB-AEP17(SR)Where Arf Thou?(汪分之一機會!?)
SDRB-AEP19(SR)Bottomless Trap Hole(奈落的落穴)
SDRB-AEP20(SR)Dark Bribe(魔宮的賄賂)
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