[資料] 亞英包 1201 全卡
https://ntucgm.blogspot.com/2023/12/1201-1216.html (圖文版)
DUNE-AE000 (QCSE)Magicians of Bonds and Unity(團結與羈絆的魔術師)
DUNE-AES01 (QCSE)Shooting Quasar Dragon(流天類星龍)
DUNE-AE025 (UR/UL/SE/QCSE)Nightmare Magician(幻惑的魔術師)
DUNE-AE026 (UR/UL/SE/QCSE)Hiita the Fire Channeler(火靈媒師 希塔)
DUNE-AE032 (UR/UL/SE/QCSE)Arahime the Manifested Mikanko(荒姬之御巫)
DUNE-AE033 (UR/UL/SE/QCSE)Chimera the King of Phantom Beasts(幻獸王 奇美拉)
DUNE-AE037 (UR/UL/SE/QCSE/HR)Cosmic Quasar Dragon(宇宙類星龍)
DUNE-AE038 (UR/UL/SE/QCSE)Crimson Dragon(赤龍)
DUNE-AE039 (UR/UL/SE/QCSE)Visas Amritara(維薩斯 甘露星)
DUNE-AE043 (UR/UL/SE/QCSE)Evolzar Lars(進化帝 黎明神翼龍)
DUNE-AE048 (UR/UL/SE/QCSE)Emperor Charles the Great(查理大帝)
DUNE-AE101 (UR/SE)Transcendosaurus Meteorus(超越龍 隕石龍)
DUNE-AE102 (UR/SE/QCSE)Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast(有翼幻獸 奇美拉)
DUNE-AE104 (UR/SE/QCSE)Arktos XII - Chronochasm Vaylantz(針淵的勇士團阿克托斯XII
DUNE-AE107 (UR/SE)Shooting Quasar Dragon(流天類星龍)
DUNE-AE110 (UR/SE/QCSE)Altergiest Memorygant(幻變騷靈 記憶甘特)
DUNE-AE002 (SR/SE/QCSE)Revolution Synchron(革命同步者)
DUNE-AE004 (SR/SE/QCSE)Big-Winged Berfomet(大翼的巴風特)
DUNE-AE015(SR/SE/QCSE)Dreaming Reality of Nemleria,Realized(夢現的寢姬甜夢姬具現
DUNE-AE034 (SR/SE/QCSE)Chimera the Illusion Beast(幻想魔獸 奇美拉)
DUNE-AE035 (SR/SE/QCSE)Sleipnir the Runick Mane(神碑之鬣 斯雷普尼爾)
DUNE-AE040 (SR/SE/QCSE)Angelica, Princess of Noble Arms(圍繞聖劍的王姬 安潔莉卡)
DUNE-AE044 (SR/SE/QCSE)Epurrely Noir(超純愛獸 暗黑妖精)
DUNE-AE047 (SR/SE/QCSE)Altergeist Adminia(幻變騷靈 管理提泰妮亞)
DUNE-AE049 (SR/SE/QCSE)Unchained Soul Lord of Yama(破械神王閻魔)
DUNE-AE060 (SR/SE/QCSE)Sinful Spoils of Subversion - Snake-Eye(反逆的罪寶 蛇眼)
DUNE-AE064 (SR/SE/QCSE)Tokusano Shinkyojin(十種神鏡陣)
DUNE-AE094 (SR/SE/QCSE)Altergeist Pookuery(幻變騷靈 查詢普克)
DUNE-AE096 (SR)Courageous Crimson Chevalier Bradamante(紅戀的麗傑 布拉達曼特)
DUNE-AE098 (SR)Purrelyly(純愛獸 百合妖精)
DUNE-AE099 (SR)Hu-Li the Jewel Mikanko(珠之御巫 弗莉)
DUNE-AE100 (SR)Xeno Meteorus(外來隕石龍)
DUNE-AE113 (SR/SE/QCSE)On Your Mark, Get Set, DUEL!(騎乘決鬥 加速!)
DUNE-AE117 (SR)Ground Xeno(大地異化)
DUNE-AE006 (R)Mirror Swordknight(鏡劍騎士)
DUNE-AE008 (R)Mighty Dino King Rex(龍王 霸龍王)
DUNE-AE010 (R)Altergeist Peritrator(幻變騷靈 滲透佩里)
DUNE-AE012 (R)Veda Kalanta(吠陀-卡蘭塔)
DUNE-AE021 (R)Ultimate Bright Knight Ursatron Alpha(天極輝士-熊斗龍巧α)
DUNE-AE022 (R)Rescue-ACE Preventer(救援王牌 預防者)
DUNE-AE023 (R)Thestalos the Shadowfire Monarch(邪炎帝王 泰斯塔羅斯)
DUNE-AE024 (R)Behemoth the King of a Hundred Battles(百戰王 貝希摩斯)
DUNE-AE036 (R)Magnum the Reliever(磁砲釋放者)
DUNE-AE041 (R)Ursarctic Polar Star(北極熊機-北辰)
DUNE-AE045 (R)Thelematech Clatis(泰勒瑪科技法師 克拉特斯)
DUNE-AE046 (R)Grenosaurus Giga-Cannon(魔頭炮 紅蓮恐龍)
DUNE-AE050 (R)Synchro Overtop(同步凌駕)
DUNE-AE052 (R)Chimera Fusion(合成獸融合)
DUNE-AE055 (R)New World - Amritara(新世壞 甘露星)
DUNE-AE061 (R)Fusion Armament(融合強兵)
DUNE-AE062 (R)Duelist Genesis(決鬥者創始)
DUNE-AE066 (R)Million-Century Ice Prison(億年的冰墓)
DUNE-AE077 (R)Banishing Trap Hole(斷絕的落穴)
DUNE-AE083 (R)Broww, Huntsman of Dark World(暗黑界的狩人 布勞)
DUNE-AE091 (R)Steam Synchron(蒸氣同步者)
DUNE-AE092 (R)Stardust Synchron(星塵同步者)
DUNE-AE097 (R)Evolsaur Cerato(進化龍 角鼻龍)
DUNE-AE106 (R)Satellite Warrior(衛星戰士)
DUNE-AES01 (QCSE)Shooting Quasar Dragon(流天類星龍)
DUNE-AE000 (QCSE)Magicians of Bonds and Unity(團結與羈絆的魔術師)
DUNE-AE001 Wheel Synchron(車輪同步者)
DUNE-AE002 (SR/SE/QCSE)Revolution Synchron(革命同步者)
DUNE-AE003 Gazelle the King of Mythical Claws(幻爪之王 卡傑魯)
DUNE-AE004 (SR/SE/QCSE)Big-Winged Berfomet(大翼的巴風特)
DUNE-AE005 Cornfield Coatl(玉米田蛇神)
DUNE-AE006 (R)Mirror Swordknight(鏡劍騎士)
DUNE-AE007 Double-Headed Dino King Rex(雙頭龍 霸龍王)
DUNE-AE008 (R)Mighty Dino King Rex(龍王 霸龍王)
DUNE-AE009 Altergeist Malwisp(幻變騷靈 惡意軟體鬼火)
DUNE-AE010 (R)Altergeist Peritrator(幻變騷靈 滲透佩里)
DUNE-AE011 Mannadium Torrid(伍世壞 狂熱者)
DUNE-AE012 (R)Veda Kalanta(吠陀-卡蘭塔)
DUNE-AE013 Infernoble Knight Ricciardetto(焰聖騎士 理查德特)
DUNE-AE014 Infernoble Knight Turpin(焰聖騎士 杜平)
DUNE-AE015(SR/SE/QCSE)Dreaming Reality of Nemleria,Realized(夢現的寢姬甜夢姬具現
DUNE-AE016 Nemleria Dream Devourer - Reveil(甜夢姬的食夢者 鬧鐘獸)
DUNE-AE017 Evoltile Pholis(進化蟲 棱角鱗鱷)
DUNE-AE018 Evolsaur Lios(進化龍 火龍)
DUNE-AE019 Unchained Soul of Sharvara(破械神 娑婆羅)
DUNE-AE020 Unchained Soul of Shyama(破械神 娑摩)
DUNE-AE021 (R)Ultimate Bright Knight Ursatron Alpha(天極輝士-熊斗龍巧α)
DUNE-AE022 (R)Rescue-ACE Preventer(救援王牌 預防者)
DUNE-AE023 (R)Thestalos the Shadowfire Monarch(邪炎帝王 泰斯塔羅斯)
DUNE-AE024 (R)Behemoth the King of a Hundred Battles(百戰王 貝希摩斯)
DUNE-AE025 (UR/UL/SE/QCSE)Nightmare Magician(幻惑的魔術師)
DUNE-AE026 (UR/UL/SE/QCSE)Hiita the Fire Channeler(火靈媒師 希塔)
DUNE-AE027 Agnimal Candle(火天獸 蠟燭)
DUNE-AE028 Doomstar Ulka(魔星的烏魯卡狼)
DUNE-AE029 Greed Jar(強欲壺)
DUNE-AE030 Click & Echo(卡嗒與回聲)
DUNE-AE031 The Cuckoo Commanded to Croon(欲鳴杜鵑)
DUNE-AE032 (UR/UL/SE/QCSE)Arahime the Manifested Mikanko(荒姬之御巫)
DUNE-AE033 (UR/UL/SE/QCSE)Chimera the King of Phantom Beasts(幻獸王 奇美拉)
DUNE-AE034 (SR/SE/QCSE)Chimera the Illusion Beast(幻想魔獸 奇美拉)
DUNE-AE035 (SR/SE/QCSE)Sleipnir the Runick Mane(神碑之鬣 斯雷普尼爾)
DUNE-AE036 (R)Magnum the Reliever(磁砲釋放者)
DUNE-AE037 (UR/UL/SE/QCSE/HR)Cosmic Quasar Dragon(宇宙類星龍)
DUNE-AE038 (UR/UL/SE/QCSE)Crimson Dragon(赤龍)
DUNE-AE039 (UR/UL/SE/QCSE)Visas Amritara(維薩斯 甘露星)
DUNE-AE040 (SR/SE/QCSE)Angelica, Princess of Noble Arms(圍繞聖劍的王姬 安潔莉卡)
DUNE-AE041 (R)Ursarctic Polar Star(北極熊機-北辰)
DUNE-AE042 Gaia Blaze, the Force of the Sun(烈日的騎士 蓋亞烈焰)
DUNE-AE043 (UR/UL/SE/QCSE)Evolzar Lars(進化帝 黎明神翼龍)
DUNE-AE044 (SR/SE/QCSE)Epurrely Noir(超純愛獸 暗黑妖精)
DUNE-AE045 (R)Thelematech Clatis(泰勒瑪科技法師 克拉特斯)
DUNE-AE046 (R)Grenosaurus Giga-Cannon(魔頭炮 紅蓮恐龍)
DUNE-AE047 (SR/SE/QCSE)Altergeist Adminia(幻變騷靈 管理提泰妮亞)
DUNE-AE048 (UR/UL/SE/QCSE)Emperor Charles the Great(查理大帝)
DUNE-AE049 (SR/SE/QCSE)Unchained Soul Lord of Yama(破械神王閻魔)
DUNE-AE050 (R)Synchro Overtop(同步凌駕)
DUNE-AE051 Synchro World(同步世界)
DUNE-AE052 (R)Chimera Fusion(合成獸融合)
DUNE-AE053 Jurassic Power(侏羅紀之力)
DUNE-AE054 Realm Resonance(世壞同心)
DUNE-AE055 (R)New World - Amritara(新世壞 甘露星)
DUNE-AE056 "Infernoble Arms - Almace"(『焰聖劍』-阿爾瑪斯)
DUNE-AE057 Noble Arms Museum(大聖劍博物館)
DUNE-AE059 Dark Corridor(暗黑迴廊)
DUNE-AE060 (SR/SE/QCSE)Sinful Spoils of Subversion - Snake-Eye(反逆的罪寶 蛇眼)
DUNE-AE061 (R)Fusion Armament(融合強兵)
DUNE-AE062 (R)Duelist Genesis(決鬥者創始)
DUNE-AE063 Beta Evolution Pill - Ultranscendance(超越進化藥β)
DUNE-AE064 (SR/SE/QCSE)Tokusano Shinkyojin(十種神鏡陣)
DUNE-AE065 Overexaggeration(誇大化)
DUNE-AE066 (R)Million-Century Ice Prison(億年的冰墓)
DUNE-AE067 Aqua Chorus Round(水之輪唱)
DUNE-AE068 Scrap-Iron Sacred Statue(廢鐵神像)
DUNE-AE069 Altergeist Revitalization(幻變騷靈 復興)
DUNE-AE070 New World Formation(新世壞成劫)
DUNE-AE071 New World Stars(星滿的新世壞)
DUNE-AE072 The Continuing Epic of Charles(查理的敘事詩)
DUNE-AE073 Nemleria Louve(甜夢姬 狼獸)
DUNE-AE074 Vaylantz Wave - Master Phase(VV 大師階段)
DUNE-AE075 Purrely Sharely!?(純愛獸分享!?)
DUNE-AE076 Mikanko Spiritwalk(御巫神隱)
DUNE-AE077 (R)Banishing Trap Hole(斷絕的落穴)
DUNE-AE078 Small Scuffle(微弱對抗)
DUNE-AE079 Split Mirror of the Underworld(冥府無限反射鏡)
DUNE-AE080 You're Finished(斬殺號)
DUNE-AE081 Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts(幻獸王 卡傑魯)
DUNE-AE082 Berfomet(巴風特)
DUNE-AE083 (R)Broww, Huntsman of Dark World(暗黑界的狩人 布勞)
DUNE-AE084 Beiige, Vanguard of Dark World(暗黑界的尖兵 貝基)
DUNE-AE085 Stardust Xiaolong(星塵小龍)
DUNE-AE086 Righty Driver(右起子)
DUNE-AE087 Quillbolt Hedgehog(螺絲刺蝟)
DUNE-AE088 Lefty Driver(左起子)
DUNE-AE089 Junk Anchor(廢品壓陣者)
DUNE-AE090 Satellite Synchron(衛星同步者)
DUNE-AE091 (R)Steam Synchron(蒸氣同步者)
DUNE-AE092 (R)Stardust Synchron(星塵同步者)
DUNE-AE093 Stardust Trail(星塵軌跡)
DUNE-AE094 (SR/SE/QCSE)Altergeist Pookuery(幻變騷靈 查詢普克)
DUNE-AE095 Altergeist Fijalert(幻變騷靈 警告非吉亞)
DUNE-AE096 (SR)Courageous Crimson Chevalier Bradamante(紅戀的麗傑 布拉達曼特)
DUNE-AE097 (R)Evolsaur Cerato(進化龍 角鼻龍)
DUNE-AE098 (SR)Purrelyly(純愛獸 百合妖精)
DUNE-AE099 (SR)Hu-Li the Jewel Mikanko(珠之御巫 弗莉)
DUNE-AE100 (SR)Xeno Meteorus(外來隕石龍)
DUNE-AE101 (UR/SER)Transcendosaurus Meteorus(超越龍 隕石龍)
DUNE-AE102 (UR/SE/QCSE)Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast(有翼幻獸 奇美拉)
DUNE-AE103 Freki the Runick Fangs(神碑之牙 庫力奇)
DUNE-AE104 (UR/SE/QCSE)Arktos XII - Chronochasm Vaylantz(針淵的勇士團阿克托斯XII
DUNE-AE105 Transcendosaurus Gigantozowler(超越龍 巨大角龍)
DUNE-AE106 (R)Satellite Warrior(衛星戰士)
DUNE-AE107 (UR/SE)Shooting Quasar Dragon(流天類星龍)
DUNE-AE108 Transcendosaurus Glaciasaurus(超越龍 冰封腕龍)
DUNE-AE109 Transcendosaurus Drillygnathus(超越龍 鑽頭翼龍)
DUNE-AE110 (UR/SE/QCSE)Altergiest Memorygant(幻變騷靈 記憶甘特)
DUNE-AE111 Necroid Synchro(死靈同步)
DUNE-AE112 Stardust Illumination(星塵照耀)
DUNE-AE113 (SR/SE/QCSE)On Your Mark, Get Set, DUEL!(騎乘決鬥 加速!)
DUNE-AE114 Evo-Price(進化的代價)
DUNE-AE115 Purrely Sleepy Memory(純愛獸 瞌睡回憶)
DUNE-AE116 Mikanko Dance - Mayowashidori(御巫舞踊 迷失之鳥)
DUNE-AE117 (SR)Ground Xeno(大地異化)
DUNE-AE118 Scrap-Iron Signal(廢鐵信號)
DUNE-AE120 Supersoaring(超越天翔)
Frontier Card Gaming 開拓卡研
FCG 粉絲團: https://www.facebook.com/FRCGYGO
FCG 開拓卡研遊戲王網站 http://ntucgm.blogspot.tw/
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/YUGIOH/M.1702700450.A.04B.html
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