[資料] 亞英包 CR02 全卡

看板YUGIOH (遊戲王紙牌遊戲)作者 (luke)時間1年前 (2024/02/03 12:00), 1年前編輯推噓2(200)
留言2則, 2人參與, 1年前最新討論串1/1
https://ntucgm.blogspot.com/2024/01/cr02-23.html (圖文版) (UTR) CR02-AE001 (UTR)Astrograph Sorcerer(宙讀的魔術士) CR02-AE007 (UTR)Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom(霸王眷龍 飢餓毒) CR02-AE067 (UTR)T.G. Halberd Cannon(TG 戟砲手) CR02-AE106 (UTR)Ogdoabyss, the Ogdoadic Overlord(溟界神-奧格多阿比斯) CR02-AE118 (UTR)Lovely Labrynth of the Silver Castle(白銀之城的迷宮主) CR02-AE131 (UTR)Vanquish Soul Caesar Valius(征服之魂 龍帝瓦利烏斯) CR02-AE143 (UTR)Baelgrill de Nouvelles(炙烤巨人 新潮廚師) CR02-AE154 (UTR)Earthbound Servant Geo Grasha(地縛戒隷 地畫格拉西亞 拉波拉斯) CR02-AE167 (UTR)Volcanic Doomfire(火山惡魔) CR02-AE178 (UTR)Orcust Knightmare(自鳴天琴 夢幻界) (UR) CR02-AE005 (UR)Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm(霸王眷龍 黑暗亞龍) CR02-AE019 (UR/SER/QCSE)Wisdom-Eye Magician(慧眼的魔術師) CR02-AE021 (UR/SER/QCSE)Double Iris Magician(虹彩的魔術師) CR02-AE027 (UR/SER/QCSE)Beyond the Pendulum(軌跡的魔術師) CR02-AE034 (UR)Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon(異色眼幻影龍) CR02-AE035 (UR)Odd-Eyes Revolution Dragon(超天新龍 異色眼革命龍) CR02-AE063 (UR/SER/QCSE)T.G. Hyper Librarian(TG 高能司書) CR02-AE098 (UR)Nunu, the Ogdoadic Remnant(溟界之滓-努爾) CR02-AE099 (UR)Nauya, the Ogdoadic Remnant(溟界之滓-納婭) CR02-AE116 (UR/SER/QCSE)Arianna the Labrynth Servant(白銀之城的女僕 阿莉安娜) CR02-AE119 (UR/SER)Lady Labrynth of the Silver Castle(迷宮城的白銀姬) CR02-AE125 (UR/SER/QCSE)Big Welcome Labrynth(大歡迎的白銀之城) CR02-AE126 (UR)Vanquish Soul Razen(征服之魂 螺禪) CR02-AE133 (UR/SER)Stake your Soul!(賭上靈魂!) CR02-AE145 (UR)Voici la Carte (Today's Menu)(Voici la Carte 請看菜單) CR02-AE151 (UR)Earthbound Prisoner Stone Sweeper(地縛囚人 巨石清理者) CR02-AE159 (UR/SER/QCSE)Volcanic Shell(火山砲彈) CR02-AE179 (UR)Girsu, the Orcust Mekk-Knight(宵星騎士 吉爾蘇) CR02-AE180 (UR/SER/QCSE)Galatea, the Orcust Automaton(自鳴天琴 伽拉忒亞) CR02-AE191 (UR)Cursed Eldland(被詛咒的黃金國) (SR) CR02-AE002 (SR)Chronograph Sorcerer(刻讀的魔術士) CR02-AE010 (SR)Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon(霸王烈龍 異色眼狂怒龍) CR02-AE014 (SR)Soul of the Supreme King(霸王龍之魂) CR02-AE020 (SR)Harmonizing Magician(調弦的魔術師) CR02-AE024 (SR)Purple Poison Magician(紫毒的魔術師) CR02-AE026 (SR)Magician of Hope(希望的魔術師) CR02-AE028 (SR)Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon(異色眼弧擺盪龍) CR02-AE029 (SR)Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon(異色眼擺盪龍) CR02-AE037 (SR)Odd-Eyes Pendulumgraph Dragon(異色眼擺盪讀陣龍) CR02-AE041 (SR)Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon(異色眼風雷龍) CR02-AE059 (SR)T.G. Screw Serpent(TG 螺旋槳蛇) CR02-AE064 (SR)T.G. Star Guardian(TG 星之守護者) CR02-AE065 (SR)T.G. Blade Blaster(TG 刃槍手) CR02-AE066 (SR)Shooting Star Dragon T.G. EX(流星龍 TG EX) CR02-AE068 (SR)T.G. Trident Launcher(TG 三戟發射器) CR02-AE084 (SR)Wattgiraffe(電氣長頸鹿) CR02-AE086 (SR)Wattcobra(電氣眼鏡王蛇) CR02-AE102 (SR)Keurse, the Ogdoadic Light(溟界的黃昏-卡斯) CR02-AE104 (SR)Aron, the Ogdoadic King(溟界王-阿隆) CR02-AE107 (SR)Ogdoadic Water Lily(溟界的蛇睡蓮) CR02-AE113 (SR)Labrynth Stovie Torbie(白銀之城的火吹爐) CR02-AE114 (SR)Labrynth Chandraglier(白銀之城的龍飾燈) CR02-AE115 (SR)Ariane the Labrynth Servant(白銀之城的女僕 阿莉安奴) CR02-AE122 (SR)Welcome Labrynth(歡迎來到白銀之城) CR02-AE128 (SR)Vanquish Soul Heavy Borger(征服之魂 重裝博格) CR02-AE129 (SR)Vanquish Soul Dr. Mad Love(征服之魂 狂愛博士) CR02-AE132 (SR)Rock of the Vanquisher(鬥神的虛像) CR02-AE140 (SR)Poeltis de Nouvelles(香煎布提斯 新潮廚師) CR02-AE144 (SR)Nouvelles Restaurant "At Table"(新潮旅社 「ATable」) CR02-AE153 (SR)Earthbound Servant Geo Kraken(地縛戒隷 巨畫海怪) CR02-AE158 (SR)Harmonic Synchro Fusion(異界共鳴 同步融合) CR02-AE160 (SR)Volcanic Scattershot(火山鹿彈) CR02-AE173 (SR)Blaze Accelerator Reload(烈焰加農砲彈匣) CR02-AE176 (SR)Orcust Harp Horror(自鳴天琴 石像嬉遊曲) CR02-AE181 (SR)Longirsu, the Orcust Orchestrator(自鳴天琴 朗基爾蘇) CR02-AE183 (SR)Orcustrated Babel(自鳴天琴 巴比倫塔) CR02-AE189 (SR)Orcust Crescendo(自鳴天琴 漸強) CR02-AE195 (SR)Eldlixir of Scarlet Sanguine(紅色血染的黃金國藥) CR02-AE197 (SR)Huaquero of the Golden Land(黃金鄉的盜墓者) CR02-AE198 (SR)Conquistador of the Golden Land(黃金鄉的征服者) (R) CR02-AE003 (R)Supreme King Gate Zero(霸王門 零) CR02-AE004 (R)Supreme King Gate Infinity(霸王門無限) CR02-AE006 (R)Supreme King Dragon Odd-Eyes(霸王眷龍 異色眼) CR02-AE008 (R)Supreme King Dragon Clear Wing(霸王眷龍 明鏡翼) CR02-AE009 (R)Supreme King Dragon Dark Rebellion(霸王眷龍 暗叛逆) CR02-AE015 (R)Stargazer Magician(星讀的魔術師) CR02-AE016 (R)Timegazer Magician(時讀的魔術師) CR02-AE022 (R)Black Fang Magician(黑牙的魔術師) CR02-AE023 (R)White Wing Magician(白翼的魔術師) CR02-AE032 (R)Odd-Eyes Mirage Dragon(異色眼幻象龍) CR02-AE036 (R)Odd-Eyes Gravity Dragon(異色眼重力龍) CR02-AE038 (R)Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon(符文眼擺盪龍) CR02-AE039 (R)Brave-Eyes Pendulum Dragon(勇氣眼擺盪龍) CR02-AE042 (R)Odd-Eyes Meteorburst Dragon(異色眼隕火龍) CR02-AE043 (R)Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon(異色眼絕零龍) CR02-AE048 (R)T.G. Cyber Magician(TG 電子魔術師) CR02-AE051 (R)T.G. Gear Zombie(TG 齒輪僵屍) CR02-AE052 (R)T.G. Drill Fish(TG 鑽頭魚) CR02-AE055 (R)T.G. Metal Skeleton(TG 金屬骨架) CR02-AE060 (R)T.G. Recipro Dragonfly(TG 互換蜻蜓) CR02-AE061 (R)T.G. Wonder Magician(TG 奇幻魔術師) CR02-AE062 (R)T.G. Power Gladiator(TG 強力角鬥士) CR02-AE075 (R)Wattfox(電氣狐) CR02-AE078 (R)Wattdragonfly(電氣蜻蜓) CR02-AE079 (R)Wattwoodpecker(電氣啄木鳥) CR02-AE082 (R)Wattberyx(電氣金眼鯛) CR02-AE085 (R)Wattpheasant(電氣雉雞) CR02-AE087 (R)Wattchimera(電氣奇美拉) CR02-AE088 (R)Watthydra(電氣七頭獸) CR02-AE094 (R)Wattrain(電氣機關車) CR02-AE103 (R)Aleirtt, the Ogdoadic Dark(溟界的昏暗-阿萊特) CR02-AE105 (R)Amunessia, the Ogdoadic Queen(溟界妃-阿蒙涅西婭) CR02-AE109 (R)Ogdoadic Serpent Strike(溟界的大蛟) CR02-AE112 (R)Labrynth Cooclock(白銀之城的狂時鐘) CR02-AE120 (R)Labrynth Labyrinth(白銀的迷宮城) CR02-AE121 (R)Labrynth Set-Up(白銀之城 布置) CR02-AE135 (R)Vanquish Soul - Continue?(征服之魂 延續) CR02-AE136 (R)Vanquish Soul Trinity Burst(征服之魂 三一爆裂) CR02-AE138 (R)Buerillabaisse de Nouvelles(魚湯布耶爾 新潮廚師) CR02-AE141 (R)Foie Glasya de Nouvelles(肥肝希亞波拉斯 新潮廚師) CR02-AE146 (R)Recette de Poisson (Fish Recipe)(Recette de Poisson~魚料理的食譜~) CR02-AE147 (R)Recette de Viande (Meat Recipe)(Recette deViande ~肉料理的食譜~) CR02-AE156 (R)Earthbound Servant Geo Gryphon(地縛戒隷 地畫獅鷲) CR02-AE164 (R)Volcanic Rocket(火山火箭) CR02-AE166 (R)Volcanic Queen(火山皇后) CR02-AE168 (R)Blaze Accelerator(烈焰加農炮) CR02-AE170 (R)Tri-Blaze Accelerator(烈焰加農炮-三叉戟式) CR02-AE182 (R)Orcustrion(自鳴天琴 管風琴) CR02-AE190 (R)Eldlich the Mad Golden Lord(黃金狂 黃金國巫妖) CR02-AE199 (R)Golden Land Forever!(永恆閃耀黃金鄉) CR02-AE001 (UTR)Astrograph Sorcerer(宙讀的魔術士) CR02-AE002 (SR)Chronograph Sorcerer(刻讀的魔術士) CR02-AE003 (R)Supreme King Gate Zero(霸王門 零) CR02-AE004 (R)Supreme King Gate Infinity(霸王門無限) CR02-AE005 (UR)Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm(霸王眷龍 黑暗亞龍) CR02-AE006 (R)Supreme King Dragon Odd-Eyes(霸王眷龍 異色眼) CR02-AE007 (UTR)Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom(霸王眷龍 飢餓毒) CR02-AE008 (R)Supreme King Dragon Clear Wing(霸王眷龍 明鏡翼) CR02-AE009 (R)Supreme King Dragon Dark Rebellion(霸王眷龍 暗叛逆) CR02-AE010 (SR)Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon(霸王烈龍 異色眼狂怒龍) CR02-AE011 Star Pendulumgraph(星霜的擺盪讀陣) CR02-AE012 Time Pendulumgraph(時空的擺盪讀陣) CR02-AE013 Supreme Rage(霸王的逆鱗) CR02-AE014 (SR)Soul of the Supreme King(霸王龍之魂) CR02-AE015 (R)Stargazer Magician(星讀的魔術師) CR02-AE016 (R)Timegazer Magician(時讀的魔術師) CR02-AE017 Tuning Magician(調律的魔術師) CR02-AE018 Timebreaker Magician(刻劍的魔術師) CR02-AE019 (UR/SER/QCSE)Wisdom-Eye Magician(慧眼的魔術師) CR02-AE020 (SR)Harmonizing Magician(調弦的魔術師) CR02-AE021 (UR/SER/QCSE)Double Iris Magician(虹彩的魔術師) CR02-AE022 (R)Black Fang Magician(黑牙的魔術師) CR02-AE023 (R)White Wing Magician(白翼的魔術師) CR02-AE024 (SR)Purple Poison Magician(紫毒的魔術師) CR02-AE025 Timestar Magician(星刻的魔術師) CR02-AE026 (SR)Magician of Hope(希望的魔術師) CR02-AE027 (UR/SER/QCSE)Beyond the Pendulum(軌跡的魔術師) CR02-AE028 (SR)Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon(異色眼弧擺盪龍) CR02-AE029 (SR)Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon(異色眼擺盪龍) CR02-AE030 Odd-Eyes Dragon(異色眼龍) CR02-AE031 Odd-Eyes Wizard Dragon(異色眼巫師龍) CR02-AE032 (R)Odd-Eyes Mirage Dragon(異色眼幻象龍) CR02-AE033 Odd-Eyes Persona Dragon(異色眼假面龍) CR02-AE034 (UR)Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon(異色眼幻影龍) CR02-AE035 (UR)Odd-Eyes Revolution Dragon(超天新龍 異色眼革命龍) CR02-AE036 (R)Odd-Eyes Gravity Dragon(異色眼重力龍) CR02-AE037 (SR)Odd-Eyes Pendulumgraph Dragon(異色眼擺盪讀陣龍) CR02-AE038 (R)Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon(符文眼擺盪龍) CR02-AE039 (R)Brave-Eyes Pendulum Dragon(勇氣眼擺盪龍) CR02-AE040 Beast-Eyes Pendulum Dragon(野獸眼擺盪龍) CR02-AE041 (SR)Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon(異色眼風雷龍) CR02-AE042 (R)Odd-Eyes Meteorburst Dragon(異色眼隕火龍) CR02-AE043 (R)Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon(異色眼絕零龍) CR02-AE044 Sky Iris(天空的虹彩) CR02-AE045 Spiral Flame Strike(螺旋之強襲炸裂) CR02-AE046 Odd-Eyes Advent(異色眼降臨) CR02-AE047 Pendulum Call(擺盪呼喚) CR02-AE048 (R)T.G. Cyber Magician(TG 電子魔術師) CR02-AE049 T.G. Booster Raptor(TG 噴射猛禽) CR02-AE050 T.G. Tank Grub(TG 坦克幼蟲) CR02-AE051 (R)T.G. Gear Zombie(TG 齒輪僵屍) CR02-AE052 (R)T.G. Drill Fish(TG 鑽頭魚) CR02-AE053 T.G. Striker(TG 突擊兵) CR02-AE054 T.G. Catapult Dragon(TG 彈射龍) CR02-AE055 (R)T.G. Metal Skeleton(TG 金屬骨架) CR02-AE056 T.G. Jet Falcon(TG 噴射獵鷹) CR02-AE057 T.G. Warwolf(TG 狼人) CR02-AE058 T.G. Rush Rhino(TG 突衝犀牛) CR02-AE059 (SR)T.G. Screw Serpent(TG 螺旋槳蛇) CR02-AE060 (R)T.G. Recipro Dragonfly(TG 互換蜻蜓) CR02-AE061 (R)T.G. Wonder Magician(TG 奇幻魔術師) CR02-AE062 (R)T.G. Power Gladiator(TG 強力角鬥士) CR02-AE063 (UR/SER/QCSE)T.G. Hyper Librarian(TG 高能司書) CR02-AE064 (SR)T.G. Star Guardian(TG 星之守護者) CR02-AE065 (SR)T.G. Blade Blaster(TG 刃槍手) CR02-AE066 (SR)Shooting Star Dragon T.G. EX(流星龍 TG EX) CR02-AE067 (UTR)T.G. Halberd Cannon(TG 戟砲手) CR02-AE068 (SR)T.G. Trident Launcher(TG 三戟發射器) CR02-AE069 TGX1-HL(TGX1-HL) CR02-AE070 TGX300(TGX300) CR02-AE071 TGX3-DX2(TGX3-DX2) CR02-AE072 TG-SX1(TG-SX1) CR02-AE073 TG1-EM1(TG1-EM1) CR02-AE074 Watthopper(電氣螽斯) CR02-AE075 (R)Wattfox(電氣狐) CR02-AE076 Wattbetta(電氣金魚) CR02-AE077 Wattlemur(電氣狐猴) CR02-AE078 (R)Wattdragonfly(電氣蜻蜓) CR02-AE079 (R)Wattwoodpecker(電氣啄木鳥) CR02-AE080 Wattkiwi(電氣無翼鳥) CR02-AE081 Wattsquirrel(電氣花栗鼠) CR02-AE082 (R)Wattberyx(電氣金眼鯛) CR02-AE083 Wattmole(電氣金毛鼴) CR02-AE084 (SR)Wattgiraffe(電氣長頸鹿) CR02-AE085 (R)Wattpheasant(電氣雉雞) CR02-AE086 (SR)Wattcobra(電氣眼鏡王蛇) CR02-AE087 (R)Wattchimera(電氣奇美拉) CR02-AE088 (R)Watthydra(電氣七頭獸) CR02-AE089 Wattcube(電氣立方體) CR02-AE090 Wattcine(電氣治療) CR02-AE091 Wattcastle(電氣城堡) CR02-AE092 Wattjustment(電氣存儲槍) CR02-AE093 Wattkey(電氣鑰匙) CR02-AE094 (R)Wattrain(電氣機關車) CR02-AE095 Wattcannon(電氣加農) CR02-AE096 Wattkeeper(電氣看守) CR02-AE097 Wattcancel(電氣抵消) CR02-AE098 (UR)Nunu, the Ogdoadic Remnant(溟界之滓-努爾) CR02-AE099 (UR)Nauya, the Ogdoadic Remnant(溟界之滓-納婭) CR02-AE100 Flogos, the Ogdoadic Boundless(溟界之漠-胡洛吉) CR02-AE101 Zohah, the Ogdoadic Boundless(溟界之漠-佐哈) CR02-AE102 (SR)Keurse, the Ogdoadic Light(溟界的黃昏-卡斯) CR02-AE103 (R)Aleirtt, the Ogdoadic Dark(溟界的昏暗-阿萊特) CR02-AE104 (SR)Aron, the Ogdoadic King(溟界王-阿隆) CR02-AE105 (R)Amunessia, the Ogdoadic Queen(溟界妃-阿蒙涅西婭) CR02-AE106 (UTR)Ogdoabyss, the Ogdoadic Overlord(溟界神-奧格多阿比斯) CR02-AE107 (SR)Ogdoadic Water Lily(溟界的蛇睡蓮) CR02-AE108 Ogdoadic Origin(溟界的淵源) CR02-AE109 (R)Ogdoadic Serpent Strike(溟界的大蛟) CR02-AE110 Ogdoadic Hollow(溟界之虛) CR02-AE111 Ogdoadic Calling(溟界呼喚之蛟) CR02-AE112 (R)Labrynth Cooclock(白銀之城的狂時鐘) CR02-AE113 (SR)Labrynth Stovie Torbie(白銀之城的火吹爐) CR02-AE114 (SR)Labrynth Chandraglier(白銀之城的龍飾燈) CR02-AE115 (SR)Ariane the Labrynth Servant(白銀之城的女僕 阿莉安奴) CR02-AE116 (UR/SER/QCSE)Arianna the Labrynth Servant(白銀之城的女僕 阿莉安娜) CR02-AE117 Labrynth Archfiend(白銀之城的魔神像) CR02-AE118 (UTR)Lovely Labrynth of the Silver Castle(白銀之城的迷宮主) CR02-AE119 (UR/SER)Lady Labrynth of the Silver Castle(迷宮城的白銀姬) CR02-AE120 (R)Labrynth Labyrinth(白銀的迷宮城) CR02-AE121 (R)Labrynth Set-Up(白銀之城 布置) CR02-AE122 (SR)Welcome Labrynth(歡迎來到白銀之城) CR02-AE123 Farewelcome Labrynth(歡迎歡送的白銀之城) CR02-AE124 Labrynth Barrage(白銀之城 障礙) CR02-AE125 (UR/SER/QCSE)Big Welcome Labrynth(大歡迎的白銀之城) CR02-AE126 (UR)Vanquish Soul Razen(征服之魂 螺禪) CR02-AE127 Vanquish Soul Pantera(征服之魂 豹女) CR02-AE128 (SR)Vanquish Soul Heavy Borger(征服之魂 重裝博格) CR02-AE129 (SR)Vanquish Soul Dr. Mad Love(征服之魂 狂愛博士) CR02-AE130 Vanquish Soul Pluton HG(征服之魂 普魯通HG) CR02-AE131 (UTR)Vanquish Soul Caesar Valius(征服之魂 龍帝瓦利烏斯) CR02-AE132 (SR)Rock of the Vanquisher(鬥神的虛像) CR02-AE133 (UR/SER)Stake your Soul!(賭上靈魂!) CR02-AE134 Vanquish Soul Dust Devil(征服之魂 螺旋流辻風) CR02-AE135 (R)Vanquish Soul - Continue?(征服之魂 延續) CR02-AE136 (R)Vanquish Soul Trinity Burst(征服之魂 三一爆裂) CR02-AE137 Vanquish Soul Calamity Caesar(征服之魂 龍帝之槍) CR02-AE138 (R)Buerillabaisse de Nouvelles(魚湯布耶爾 新潮廚師) CR02-AE139 Confiras de Nouvelles(油封佛拉斯 新潮廚師) CR02-AE140 (SR)Poeltis de Nouvelles(香煎布提斯 新潮廚師) CR02-AE141 (R)Foie Glasya de Nouvelles(肥肝希亞波拉斯 新潮廚師) CR02-AE142 Balameuniere de Nouvelles(麥年巴拉姆 新潮廚師) CR02-AE143 (UTR)Baelgrill de Nouvelles(炙烤巨人 新潮廚師) CR02-AE144 (SR)Nouvelles Restaurant "At Table"(新潮旅社 「ATable」) CR02-AE145 (UR)Voici la Carte (Today's Menu)(Voici la Carte 請看菜單) CR02-AE146 (R)Recette de Poisson (Fish Recipe)(Recette de Poisson~魚料理的食譜~) CR02-AE147 (R)Recette de Viande (Meat Recipe)(Recette deViande~肉料理的食譜~) CR02-AE148Recette de Personnel (Staff Recipe)(Recette de Personnel~員工餐的食譜~ CR02-AE149 Chef's Special Recipe(Recette de Specialite~料理長的得意食譜~) CR02-AE150 Earthbound Prisoner Ground Keeper(地縛囚人 大地看守者) CR02-AE151 (UR)Earthbound Prisoner Stone Sweeper(地縛囚人 巨石清理者) CR02-AE152 Earthbound Prisoner Line Walker(地縛囚人 地線巡查者) CR02-AE153 (SR)Earthbound Servant Geo Kraken(地縛戒隷 巨畫海怪) CR02-AE154 (UTR)Earthbound Servant Geo Grasha(地縛戒隷 地畫格拉西亞 拉波拉斯) CR02-AE155 Earthbound Servant Geo Gremlin(地縛戒隷 地畫精怪) CR02-AE156 (R)Earthbound Servant Geo Gryphon(地縛戒隷 地畫獅鷲) CR02-AE157 Earthbound Prison(地縛牢) CR02-AE158 (SR)Harmonic Synchro Fusion(異界共鳴 同步融合) CR02-AE159 (UR/SER/QCSE)Volcanic Shell(火山砲彈) CR02-AE160 (SR)Volcanic Scattershot(火山鹿彈) CR02-AE161 Volcanic Blaster(火山轉輪) CR02-AE162 Volcanic Counter(火山反擊獸) CR02-AE163 Volcanic Slicer(火山利刃) CR02-AE164 (R)Volcanic Rocket(火山火箭) CR02-AE165 Volcanic Hammerer(火山重槌) CR02-AE166 (R)Volcanic Queen(火山皇后) CR02-AE167 (UTR)Volcanic Doomfire(火山惡魔) CR02-AE168 (R)Blaze Accelerator(烈焰加農炮) CR02-AE169 Soul of Fire(火焰之魂) CR02-AE170 (R)Tri-Blaze Accelerator(烈焰加農炮-三叉戟式) CR02-AE171 Wild Fire(狂焰) CR02-AE172 Volcanic Recharge(火山充能) CR02-AE173 (SR)Blaze Accelerator Reload(烈焰加農砲彈匣) CR02-AE174 Orcust Brass Bombard(自鳴天琴 火砲輪唱曲) CR02-AE175 Orcust Cymbal Skeleton(自鳴天琴 骷髏詼諧曲) CR02-AE176 (SR)Orcust Harp Horror(自鳴天琴 石像嬉遊曲) CR02-AE177 World Legacy - "World Wand"(星遺物 星杖) CR02-AE178 (UTR)Orcust Knightmare(自鳴天琴 夢幻界) CR02-AE179 (UR)Girsu, the Orcust Mekk-Knight(宵星騎士 吉爾蘇) CR02-AE180 (UR/SER/QCSE)Galatea, the Orcust Automaton(自鳴天琴 伽拉忒亞) CR02-AE181 (SR)Longirsu, the Orcust Orchestrator(自鳴天琴 朗基爾蘇) CR02-AE182 (R)Orcustrion(自鳴天琴 管風琴) CR02-AE183 (SR)Orcustrated Babel(自鳴天琴 巴比倫塔) CR02-AE184 Orcustrated Return(自鳴天琴 初始) CR02-AE185 Orcustrated Einsatz(自鳴天琴 起奏) CR02-AE186 Orcustrated Attack(自鳴天琴 攻擊) CR02-AE187 Orcustrated Core(自鳴天琴 核心) CR02-AE188 Orcustrated Release(自鳴天琴 解放) CR02-AE189 (SR)Orcust Crescendo(自鳴天琴 漸強) CR02-AE190 (R)Eldlich the Mad Golden Lord(黃金狂 黃金國巫妖) CR02-AE191 (UR)Cursed Eldland(被詛咒的黃金國) CR02-AE192 Eldlixir of Black Awakening(黑色覺醒的黃金國藥) CR02-AE193 Eldlixir of White Destiny(白色宿命的黃金國藥) CR02-AE194 Seven Cities of the Golden Land(黃金鄉的七摩天) CR02-AE195 (SR)Eldlixir of Scarlet Sanguine(紅色血染的黃金國藥) CR02-AE196 Guardian of the Golden Land(黃金鄉的守護者) CR02-AE197 (SR)Huaquero of the Golden Land(黃金鄉的盜墓者) CR02-AE198 (SR)Conquistador of the Golden Land(黃金鄉的征服者) CR02-AE199 (R)Golden Land Forever!(永恆閃耀黃金鄉) CR02-AE200 El Dorado Adelantado(黃金的征服王) Bonus 包 CR02-AES01 (QCSE)Astrograph Sorcerer(宙讀的魔術士) CR02-AES02 (SER)Chronograph Sorcerer(刻讀的魔術士) CR02-AES03 (UR)Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm(霸王眷龍 黑暗亞龍) CR02-AES04 (UR/QCSE)Wisdom-Eye Magician(慧眼的魔術師) CR02-AES05 (UR/QCSE)Double Iris Magician(虹彩的魔術師) CR02-AES06 (SER)Purple Poison Magician(紫毒的魔術師) CR02-AES07 (UR/QCSE)Beyond the Pendulum(軌跡的魔術師) CR02-AES08 (UR)Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon(異色眼幻影龍) CR02-AES09 (UR)Odd-Eyes Revolution Dragon(超天新龍 異色眼革命龍) CR02-AES10 (SER)T.G. Screw Serpent(TG 螺旋槳蛇) CR02-AES11 (UR/QCSE)T.G. Hyper Librarian(TG 高能司書) CR02-AES12 (UR)Nunu, the Ogdoadic Remnant(溟界之滓-努爾) CR02-AES13 (UR)Nauya, the Ogdoadic Remnant(溟界之滓-納婭) CR02-AES14 (UR/QCSE)Arianna the Labrynth Servant(白銀之城的女僕 阿莉安娜) CR02-AES15 (UR)Lady Labrynth of the Silver Castle(迷宮城的白銀姬) CR02-AES16 (SER)Welcome Labrynth(歡迎來到白銀之城) CR02-AES17 (UR/QCSE)Big Welcome Labrynth(大歡迎的白銀之城) CR02-AES18 (UR)Vanquish Soul Razen(征服之魂 螺禪) CR02-AES19 (SER)Rock of the Vanquisher(鬥神的虛像) CR02-AES20 (UR)Stake your Soul!(賭上靈魂!) CR02-AES21 (UR)Voici la Carte (Today's Menu)(Voici la Carte 請看菜單) CR02-AES22 (UR)Earthbound Prisoner Stone Sweeper(地縛囚人 巨石清理者) CR02-AES23 (UR/QCSE)Volcanic Shell(火山砲彈) CR02-AES24 (SER)Volcanic Scattershot(火山鹿彈) CR02-AES25 (SER)Orcust Harp Horror(自鳴天琴 石像嬉遊曲) CR02-AES26 (UR)Girsu, the Orcust Mekk-Knight(宵星騎士 吉爾蘇) CR02-AES27 (UR/QCSE)Galatea, the Orcust Automaton(自鳴天琴 伽拉忒亞) CR02-AES28 (UR)Cursed Eldland(被詛咒的黃金國) -- Frontier Card Gaming 開拓卡研 FCG 粉絲團: https://www.facebook.com/FRCGYGO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkBrLvbmYiI
FCG 開拓卡研遊戲王網站 http://ntucgm.blogspot.tw/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/YUGIOH/M.1706932857.A.155.html

02/03 13:33, 1年前 , 1F
02/03 13:33, 1F

02/03 14:52, 1年前 , 2F
02/03 14:52, 2F
※ 編輯: youngluke ( 臺灣), 02/23/2024 23:54:12
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