Re: [討論] 蔚藍檔案:尊重一個中國立場

看板C_Chat (希洽)作者 (87QB)時間2小時前 (2024/10/20 03:32), 編輯推噓0(000)
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EN跟KR也是同時發公告 英文 Apology Regarding <Blue Archive>'s the Global Server Live Broadcast We are the South Korean Nexon "Blue Archive" team, responsible for managing the overseas servers of "Blue Archive." We would like to offer our sincere apologies for the incorrect statement made during the global server live broadcast on Fri day, October 18th, which did not align with our commitment to respecting the "On e China" Policy. Upon identifying the error, we took immediate corrective action and released a r evised video on October 19th. We have confirmed that this mistake resulted from an internal oversight, and we have taken appropriate steps to address the issue with the responsible parties. Moving forward, we will enhance our internal revie w processes to ensure that such incidents do not happen again. Our team remains fully committed to delivering a gaming experience that all of our players can en joy. Once again, we deeply apologize for any confusion or concern this may have cause d. We will continue striving to provide a better service and a more enjoyable ex perience for all of our players. — Sincerely, The South Korean Nexon "Blue Archive" Team 韓文
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