[閒聊] 政確守護者總監:我受到XG很大的啟發

看板C_Chat (希洽)作者 (汐止吳慷仁)時間2天前 (2024/12/29 16:19), 編輯推噓7(814)
留言13則, 11人參與, 2天前最新討論串1/1
https://www.inverse.com/gaming/corrine-busche-interview-rpgs-dragon-age-veilguard But her love of RPGs started long before that, with some deep-cut classics like Heroes of Might and Magic 3 and Final Fantasy XII – which she argues is the best one in the series. An even bigger influence on her personal philosophy as a developer, however, was the Square Enix cult classic Xenogears. “That was the first RPG that really touched my heart, that made me cry, where I feel in love with the characters, and realize these games have something to say,” says Busche “They touch on deep socially relevant narratives through these fantasy setting and the complexity of characters.” 但她對角色扮演遊戲的熱愛早在之前就開始了,她曾玩過一些經典遊戲,如《魔法門之英 雄無敵3》和《FF12》——她認為《FF12》是該系列中最好的一部。 然而,對她作為開發者的個人理念影響更大的是史克威爾艾尼克斯 (Square Enix) 的經典遊戲《異度裝甲》。 「這是第一款真正觸動我心靈、讓我哭泣的RPG,我愛上了這些角色,並意識到這些遊戲 有話要說,」Busche 說,「它們透過這些幻想背景觸及了深刻的社會相關敘事以及人物 的複雜性。 Those specific RPGs have a lot to say about identity and personality, and that ’s a topic that Busche has constantly wanted to explore in her work – how games can explore autonomy and choice. Busche has been open in the past about transitioning while at BioWare, and how much the studio helped her feel seen and supported. 這些特定的角色扮演遊戲對身份和個性有很多話要說,而這正是布希一直想在她的作品中 探索的主題——遊戲如何探索自主性和選擇。Busche過去曾公開談論她在 BioWare 的變性 經歷,以及工作室如何讓她感受到被關注和支持。 去你的 我大高橋最愛叫人腦補了欸 就算吃大便也會叫你自己一邊幻想一邊吃 真的是不要直接大便給別人吃還說這是探索來碰瓷我們XENO家族= = -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1735460358.A.B63.html

12/29 16:21, 2天前 , 1F
大家好 我是XG
12/29 16:21, 1F

12/29 16:21, 2天前 , 2F
她應該是被那個女反派米安啟發 要在各個時代當絞屎棍
12/29 16:21, 2F

12/29 16:21, 2天前 , 3F
12/29 16:21, 3F

12/29 16:22, 2天前 , 4F
12/29 16:22, 4F

12/29 16:30, 2天前 , 5F
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12/29 16:35, 2天前 , 6F
12/29 16:35, 6F

12/29 16:44, 2天前 , 7F
12/29 16:44, 7F

12/29 16:46, 2天前 , 8F
別再說伏地挺身了 在別版看到闇龍粉絲痛斥伏地挺身是被惡
12/29 16:46, 8F

12/29 16:46, 2天前 , 9F
意剪輯 瘋狂罵任何再提伏地挺身的人 哈哈哈
12/29 16:46, 9F

12/29 16:47, 2天前 , 10F
12/29 16:47, 10F

12/29 16:49, 2天前 , 11F
12/29 16:49, 11F

12/29 17:06, 2天前 , 12F
12/29 17:06, 12F

12/29 18:19, 2天前 , 13F
12/29 18:19, 13F
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