Re: 青山老師今年的聖誕卡(只限今日有效唷)

看板Conan作者 (是怎樣啦>"<)時間19年前 (2005/12/26 00:44), 編輯推噓7(701)
留言8則, 5人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
哀:メリークリスマス   幸せは近くにあるのに 手が出せない   そんなものかもね 蘭:メリークリスマス   はい!コナン君にクリスマスプレゼント コナン:げっ!?五郎じゃねぇか     しかも嫌がってるし... 博士:メリークリスマス フサエ:やっと会えましたね ===================================================================== なんだか...哀ちゃんのだけがちょっとイタイ(切ない)気が...? -- you shall be as gods you shall be as gods you shall be as gods you shall be as shall be as gods you shall be as gods you shall be as gods you shall be as god l be as gods you shall be as gods you shall be as gods you shall be as gods yo as gods you shall be as gods you shall be as gods you shall be as gods you sh gods you shall be as gods you shall be as gods you shall be as gods you shall you shall be as gods you shall be as gods you shall be as gods you shall be a -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

12/26 00:58, , 1F
12/26 00:58, 1F
※ 編輯: ckyui 來自: (12/26 01:15)

12/26 01:15, , 2F
首先感謝1F的建議<(_ _)>, 記得以前小哀的賀圖都比較暖啊
12/26 01:15, 2F

12/26 01:23, , 3F (現已關閉)
12/26 01:23, 3F

12/26 16:50, , 4F
12/26 16:50, 4F

12/26 16:50, , 5F
12/26 16:50, 5F

12/26 19:48, , 6F
哇 這幾張的小哀特別可愛 ^^ >/////<
12/26 19:48, 6F

12/26 23:59, , 7F
因為是雪莉的自言自語, 所以當然是以小哀為主嘍~(心)
12/26 23:59, 7F

12/27 00:48, , 8F
12/27 00:48, 8F
※ 編輯: ckyui 來自: (09/09 23:49)
文章代碼(AID): #13hinmwp (Conan)
文章代碼(AID): #13hinmwp (Conan)