Re: [情報] 柯南真人版要拍了!

看板Conan作者 (白山黑水)時間18年前 (2006/07/13 15:52), 編輯推噓2(200)
留言2則, 2人參與, 最新討論串5/7 (看更多)
此劇標題暫定為"給工藤新一的挑戰書~到離別時刻為止的序曲" 這不是很明顯了嗎,還有柯南正傳啦 XD 嗯,哪有只拍序曲沒有正傳的哩.... 自然,離別時刻=變小時刻 囉... (至於終曲?總得等漫畫先連載完才有可能拍了) -- Don't you ever make me angry!If I get angry, I would feel pissed-off; If I feel pissed-off, I would feel like taking my revenge; And by the time I make up my mind to take my revenge...... I myself either couldn't figure out who the next would be to die!! You know, I would give you a barrel of gasoline and a "foreigner-fire",and a "chicken egg cake", as a PRESENT!(//grin) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

07/13 20:49, , 1F
其實這樣也不錯呀 說不定可以加入怪盜跟服部的事件
07/13 20:49, 1F

07/14 00:38, , 2F
不過聽說是原創劇情... 綁架類的,所以,不知會否有kid...
07/14 00:38, 2F
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文章代碼(AID): #14jVkf_s (Conan)