Re: [問題] 我乃KUSO的使者 裡面的謊報年紀...

看板Conan作者 (か~み~ちゅ~~~!)時間18年前 (2006/09/07 23:20), 編輯推噓3(300)
留言3則, 3人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
※ 引述《donkeykong (硬碟不足)》之銘言: : 跟上一篇文章一樣 我也不太懂 為什麼和葉講謊報年紀 : 柯南 平次 就靈機一動想到了@@ : 不太懂呀.... 整理文章中發現的...順手回~ 原文是這樣(關西腔個人覺得聽起來還蠻可愛的) 年、サバ読んでんのとちゃう? 這邊基本上是沒多少翻譯上的隔閡啦... サバ(を)読む 是一種日文的慣用表現 英文解釋為 cheat in counting 所以說謊報倒也沒啥不妥的地方 至於柯南與平次為何會因為這點就靈機一動 我想跟這個說法另外還可用在特別指多報(灌水)的場合吧 多く言う give a padded (an inflated) figure 因此讓他們查覺到了滿潮線被灌水的可能性(<-中文也意外地有對應字XD) -- you shall be as gods you shall be as gods you shall be as gods you shall be as shall be as gods you shall be as gods you shall be as gods you shall be as god l be as gods you shall be as gods you shall be as gods you shall be as gods yo as gods you shall be as gods you shall be as gods you shall be as gods you sh gods you shall be as gods you shall be as gods you shall be as gods you shall you shall be as gods you shall be as gods you shall be as gods you shall be a -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

09/08 00:05, , 1F
09/08 00:05, 1F

09/08 00:40, , 2F
這篇到底是在講哪個事件啊 囧?! 印象超模糊的
09/08 00:40, 2F

09/08 00:41, , 3F
龍宮島吧, 沉睡的小五郎與關西高中生偵探的大胃王對決XD
09/08 00:41, 3F
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