Re: [歌詞] SKILL

看板JAM_Project作者 (what)時間16年前 (2008/06/09 00:24), 編輯推噓3(302)
留言5則, 4人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
看到推文裡的問題 you are 和 for new world 在歌曲裡聽起來發音很像 但是就文法和文意來看,似乎for new world比較正確? 另外單曲版和專輯版的SKILL英文也有不同 單曲版SKILL 開頭英文 We'll go into the space over the future. We're looking for the place under the shining star… 結尾英文 We'll go into the space over the future. We're looking for the place under the shining star. We'll try to sing a song for new world. SKILL~Album ver~ 開頭英文 We'll try to sing a song… (間奏) motto motto~ motto motto~ (間奏) for ~ new world… 結尾英文 We'll go into the space over the future. We're looking for the place under the shining star. We'll try to sing a song for new world. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

06/09 00:37, , 1F
如果World是日文發音的話 的確還蠻像are的...
06/09 00:37, 1F

06/09 04:03, , 2F
慘了...我都唱 you are
06/09 04:03, 2F

06/09 22:39, , 3F
"go into"整個就是錯的...
06/09 22:39, 3F

06/12 15:32, , 4F
06/12 15:32, 4F

06/12 15:32, , 5F
06/12 15:32, 5F
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