Fw: [新聞] 布拉狄加現型? 小心鋼練手指就在你身邊

看板JOJO作者 (☞金肅πετροσ)時間12年前 (2012/10/29 07:35), 編輯推噓2(200)
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※ [本文轉錄自 Gossiping 看板 #1GZOGqL2 ] 作者: love34567 (888) 看板: Gossiping 標題: [新聞] 布拉狄加現型? 小心鋼練手指就在你身邊 時間: Mon Oct 29 03:14:57 2012 http://0rz.tw/5GxQp (dailymail) Japanese artist makes models burst at the seams with creepy zips, buttons, power plugs and laces painted on their skin 布加拉提出現了!? With zips, power plugs, laces and buttons adorning their bodies, these young models look like something out of a travelling freak show. 這些笑連郎的身體上像是被鋼鍊手指觸碰過一樣出現了拉鍊,太詭異啦!!! But they are in fact the latest walking exhibits of Japanese artist Chooo-San's incredible illusionary makeup art. 差點以為是布加拉提來到現世,但其實這是日本藝術家秋山的作品。 Bored with digitally enhanced pictures, the 19-year-old student decided to see how far she could push her limits without technology - with impressive results. 『哼,用合成的一點都不有趣!!!』秋山如是說『所以林周 罵決定要用畫的。』就是這樣的想法,才19歲的秋山嚇壞了一堆人。 http://0rz.tw/8wss1 Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!Sticky Fingers!!!!!!! Chooo-San, a first year student at Musashino Art University in Tokyo, Japan, garnered attention in June when she painted misplaced mouths, extra eyes and eerie robotic extras to the human body. 現就讀東京武藏野藝術大學一年級的秋山,今年六月時就以在網路上發表的鬼怪眼睛的人 體彩繪讓人注意到她。 For her second tranche of work, she painted lifelike zips, buttons and shoes laces to skin of her willing friends to give the illusion they are bursting at the seams. 現在她又完成了另一些創作,僅僅使用壓克力顏料的她把拉鍊、插座、鞋帶、鈕扣 甚至是電源開關,統統把它變到模特兒身上啦! http://0rz.tw/dha5E http://0rz.tw/n9jd7 http://0rz.tw/2Ygz9 http://0rz.tw/eN9OG http://0rz.tw/kgdLz http://0rz.tw/lYSNe 最後,傳說中擁有Golden Finger的男人也來湊一腳... Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: love34567 來自: (10/29 03:15)

10/29 03:17, , 1F
有人看得懂這篇嗎 =.=a
10/29 03:17, 1F

10/29 03:19, , 2F
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10/29 03:22, , 6F
10/29 03:22, 6F

10/29 03:23, , 7F
JOJO 我看得懂 請看JOJO冒險野郎 第五部
10/29 03:23, 7F

10/29 03:27, , 8F
10/29 03:27, 8F

10/29 03:27, , 9F
1F你看不懂 是不是該獨立思考看看該怎麼才看得懂
10/29 03:27, 9F

10/29 03:30, , 10F
10/29 03:30, 10F

10/29 03:35, , 11F
喔喔 原來是這樣啊 跟我想的一樣呢
10/29 03:35, 11F

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10/29 04:06, , 15F
10/29 04:06, 15F

10/29 04:06, , 16F
布拉狄加的能力明明超爛 卻能靠戰鬥設計變得很強 XD
10/29 04:06, 16F
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: Pietro (, 時間: 10/29/2012 07:35:23

10/29 15:29, , 17F
10/29 15:29, 17F

10/29 18:50, , 18F
10/29 18:50, 18F
文章代碼(AID): #1GZS4zV- (JOJO)
文章代碼(AID): #1GZS4zV- (JOJO)