Re: [問題] 有關奈葉的武器

看板Nanoha作者 (良田)時間18年前 (2006/11/30 09:09), 編輯推噓2(2010)
留言12則, 4人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
以下是我個人的一點看法,應該是見人見智啦 不過這樣真的很有典故(也不是說要故意用典^^|||) Excelion→Ecthelion 這樣的話我會認為是當初字幕組沒有打清楚 不是有個字叫做"excellent"嗎 可能他們認為說英文的字根開頭一樣,這也許是名詞啥的 請先看看這篇網頁 英文的維基百科全書 裡面節錄...... =========================================================== Ecthelion of the Fountain is a fictional character from J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth legendarium. Ecthelion is an Elf of Gondolin, leader of the People of the Fountain, one of the twelve noble houses of Gondolin, who are charged with the defense of the city. He is also at one point a guard of the last Gate of Gondolin, and has a helmet with a silver spike. He has the most beautiful voice and greatest musical talent of all the people of Gondolin. Along with Glorfindel and Egalmoth, he is appointed as Aredhel's escort on her ill-fated journey. He later leads a wing of Gondolin's forces at the Nirnaeth Arnoediad. During the Fall of Gondolin, he and Tuor make their way into the square of the King. Previously, Ecthelion had slain three Balrogs, but he had lost the use of his shield arm in the process. Then Gothmog, lord of Balrogs, arrives. He and Ecthelion fight, and after an epic duel, both he and his enemy are killed. It is said that his name is a warcry of the Eldar, and terrorizes the orcs. It has the connotations of "spear", or "sharp-point". However, it does not accurately translate into anything. ============================================================== 從上面的文章得知.. 1.ecthelion 原本是出自約翰·羅納德·瑞爾·托爾金 的小說"精靈寶鑽"作品其中一個人物 2.這個名子是一種戰爭的口號 3.這個名子是代表武器"spear" or 名詞 "sharp-point" ============================================================== 另外還有查到的是... 一種守護神 不過相信加入了這些要素,會讓翻譯變的更加麻煩(?) 真的是見人見智,當初我是因為字典查不到才有這個疑問 然後隔了一年多的現在,PTT有了奈葉板才把這篇PO出來給大家參考用 以上^^ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

11/30 11:32, , 1F
其實也不一定啦...拖爾金的是Ecthelion沒錯 可是同名的
11/30 11:32, 1F

11/30 11:32, , 2F
11/30 11:32, 2F

11/30 11:33, , 3F
11/30 11:33, 3F

11/30 11:33, , 4F
11/30 11:33, 4F

11/30 14:51, , 5F
11/30 14:51, 5F

11/30 14:54, , 6F
11/30 14:54, 6F

11/30 14:54, , 7F
11/30 14:54, 7F

11/30 18:00, , 8F
11/30 18:00, 8F

11/30 18:03, , 10F
oha_terminology 網址太長= =
11/30 18:03, 10F

11/30 18:38, , 11F
11/30 18:38, 11F

12/01 08:03, , 12F
12/01 08:03, 12F
文章代碼(AID): #15RYzQpM (Nanoha)
文章代碼(AID): #15RYzQpM (Nanoha)