[分享] 87版動畫有趣的橋段

看板NinjaTurtles作者 (油油麻雞客)時間11年前 (2012/11/22 07:00), 編輯推噓1(100)
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Shredder:This will locate the energy source. Now, go! 這儀器會顯示出能量來源, 去吧! Rocksteady:Right away! Boss. oh, where we going to? 馬上! 頭兒 呃, 我們要去哪? Shredder:To the fission plant! The fission plant! 去裂變發電廠! 裂變發電廠! (在岸邊) Rocksteady:You know? This fishing is the easiest job we ever had. 這次釣魚是我們所做過最輕鬆的任務 Bebop:Yeah! Rocksteady:Boss? Shredder:Well, did you find it? 找到了嗎? Rocksteady:No, boss, we've been fishing here for three hours, and we ain't had a nipple. 沒有, 我們已經釣了三個小時,但什麼也沒釣到. Shredder:Fishing? I sent you go fission, not fishing! 釣魚? 我讓你們去裂變發電廠, 不是去釣魚! Bebop & Rocksteady:Huh!? Shredder:Wait I get my hands on you. You! You! You! 等我過去整治你們. 你們! 你們! 你們! (中略) Shredder:I gave you two imbeciles a simple assignment, and you can't even carry out! 我給你們兩個低能兒一個簡單任務, 然而你們也無法勝任! Bebop:But boss, something horrible happend. 但頭兒,發生可怕的事了 Krang:What? You lost Rocksteady? 什麼? 你把Rocksteady弄丟了嗎? Bebop:Yeah! That also.... 是啊 還有 Shredder:That also!? What else went wrong? 還有!? 你們還搞砸了什麼事? Bebop:We didn't catch a single fish. 我們一條魚也沒釣到 Shredder:Oh~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!! (崩潰) 87版的動畫有不少搞笑 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/22 18:13, , 1F
11/22 18:13, 1F
文章代碼(AID): #1GhLq0la (NinjaTurtles)
文章代碼(AID): #1GhLq0la (NinjaTurtles)