04 Blame Canada

看板SouthPark (南方公園)作者 (仁人莊士心為志..)時間22年前 (2003/01/31 17:26), 編輯推噓0(000)
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4. Blame Canada Performed by the parents of South Park Mrs. Broslovski: Times have changed; Our kids are getting worse! They won't obey their parents; They just want to fart and curse! Mrs. Marsh: Should we blame the government? Ms Cartman: Or blame society? Men: Or should we blame the images on TV? Mrs. Broslovski: NO! Blame Canada! All: Blame Canada! Mrs. Broslovski: With all their beady little eyes; Their flapping heads so full of lies! All: Blame Canada! Blame Canada! Mrs. Broslovski: We need to form a full assault! All: It's Canada's fault! Mrs Marsh: Don't blame me For my son, Stan, He saw the darn cartoon, <And> Now he's off to join the Klan! Ms Cartman: And my boy Eric once Had my picture on his shelf, But now when I see him He tells me to fuck myself Mrs Broflovski: Well; Blame Canada! All: Blame Canada! Mrs Broflovski: It's seems that everything's gone wrong Since Canada came along! All: Blame Canada! Blame Canada! Copy store clerk: They're not even a real country anyway Mrs McCormick: My son coulda been a doctor; Or a lawyer it's true; Instead he burned up like a piggy on a barbecue Men: Should we blame the matches? Should we blame the fire? Or the doctors who allowed him to expire? Mrs Broflovski: Heck no! All: Blame Canada! Blame Canada! Mrs Broflovski: With all their hockey hullabaloo Ms Cartman: And that bitch Anne Murray, too! All: Blame Canada! Shame on Canada! For the smut we must cut The trash we must bash The laughter and fun Must all be undone We must blame them to cause a fuss Before somebody thinks of blaming us! -- 風住塵香花已盡,日晚倦梳頭。 物是人非事事休,欲語淚先流。 聞說雙溪春尚好,也擬泛輕舟。 只恐雙溪舴艋舟,載不動,許多愁。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From:
文章代碼(AID): #-Ea4t-B (SouthPark)
文章代碼(AID): #-Ea4t-B (SouthPark)