09 Eyes Of A Child [片尾曲]

看板SouthPark (南方公園)作者 (仁人莊士心為志..)時間22年前 (2003/01/31 17:36), 編輯推噓0(000)
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9. Eyes Of A Child Performed by Michael McDonald The eyes of a child So innocent and pure A child's heart Is full of song Take their tiny hand And lead them to the light As adults we see pain in the world And it sometimes don't seem right But through the eyes of a child The world seems magical There's a sparkle in their eyes They've yet to realize The darkness in their soul The beauty of a smile Adventurous and wild Life is kinda gay But it doesn't seem that way Through the eyes of a child So don't give up Even when the road seems long Just find that child inside of you Yeah, you gotta find you Spread your wings and fly To the brightest star If you want I can even get My friend Steve to detail your car For about 20 bucks But through the eyes of a child The world seems magical There's a sparkle in their eyes They've yet to realize The darkness in their soul The beauty of their smile Adventurous and wild Sure, life is kinda gay, But it doesn't seem that way Through the eyes of a child I've got an eye on my hand I've got an eye on my hand I've got an eye on my hand But still, I can't find you Eye on my hand Where have you gone, girl? Eye on my hand I'm comin' up behind you Eye on my hand Don't turn around now! 'Cause I'm right there, I'm comin' up behind you! Through the eyes of a child The world seems magical There's a sparkle in their eyes They've yet to realize The bastards they really are The beauty of their smile Adventurous and wild Sure, life is kinda gay, But it doesn't seem that way Through the eyes of a child Sure, life is kinda gay, But it doesn't seem that way Through the eyes of a child. -- 風住塵香花已盡,日晚倦梳頭。 物是人非事事休,欲語淚先流。 聞說雙溪春尚好,也擬泛輕舟。 只恐雙溪舴艋舟,載不動,許多愁。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From:
文章代碼(AID): #-EaEKAv (SouthPark)
文章代碼(AID): #-EaEKAv (SouthPark)