12 Mountain Town (reprise)
12. Mountain Town (reprise)
Performed by The Citizens of South Park
Chef: Everything worked out
What a happy end!
Americans and Canadians are friends again!
So let's all join hands and knock oppression down!
Kids: Don't you know our little lives are now complete?
Mothers: 'Cause Terrance and Phillip are sweet!
Mrs Broflovski: Super sweet!
All: Thank God we live in this quiet, little, pissant, redneck, podunk,
jerkwater, three corn, one horse, one hole, chicken butt, right wing,
missing stuff, no mail, truck driving, old dragon, spacey, peabrain,
horsewhipped, hungry, uncut, white trash, KICKASS!
Mountain town!
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw)
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