[資料] 亞英 RC04 全卡
https://ntucgm.blogspot.com/2024/01/rc-120.html (圖文版)
RC04-AE001 Lava Golem(溶岩魔神 岩漿石魔)
RC04-AE002 Lonefire Blossom(孤燃花)
RC04-AE003 Effect Veiler(效果分隔士)
RC04-AE004 Vision HERO Faris(V・HERO 獨善人)
RC04-AE005 (UR)Maxx C(增殖的G)
RC04-AE006 Tour Guide From the Underworld(從魔界發往現世的死亡導遊)
RC04-AE007 Artifact Lancea(古代遺物聖槍)
RC04-AE008 (UR)The Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Mode(太陽神之翼神龍-球體形)
RC04-AE009 (UR/HR)Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring(灰流晴)
RC04-AE010 (UR)Fairy Tail - Luna(妖精傳姬 輝夜)
RC04-AE011 (UR)Inspector Boarder (沖浪檢察官)
RC04-AE012 Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion(屋敷童)
RC04-AE013 Blackwing - Simoon the Poison Wind(BF 毒風的西蒙)
RC04-AE014 Danger!? Jackalope?(未界域加卡洛普)
RC04-AE015 (UR)Dimension Shifter(次元吸引者)
RC04-AE016 (UR/HR)Nibiru, the Primal Being(原始生命態 尼比魯)
RC04-AE017 Blue-Eyes Abyss Dragon(深淵的青眼龍)
RC04-AE018 Galaxy-Eyes Afterglow Dragon(銀河眼的殘光龍)
RC04-AE019 Wynn the Wind Channeler(風靈媒師 微茵)
RC04-AE020 (UR)Eldlich the Golden Lord(黃金卿 黃金國巫妖)
RC04-AE021 Dogmatika Ecclesia, the Virtuous(教導的聖女 艾克莉西亞)
RC04-AE022 Fallen of Albaz(阿不思的落胤)
RC04-AE023 Alpha, the Master of Beasts(獸王阿爾法)
RC04-AE024 The Iris Swordsoul(妖眼的相劍師)
RC04-AE025 Cyber Angel Benten(電子天使 弁天)
RC04-AE026 Masked HERO Dark Law(M・HERO 暗爪)
RC04-AE027 (UR)Elder Entity N'tss(舊神努托斯)
RC04-AE028 Predaplant Dragostapelia(捕食植物 犀角龍)
RC04-AE029 Mudragon of the Swamp(沼地的泥龍王)
RC04-AE030 Egyptian God Slime(神 史萊姆)
RC04-AE031 (UR)Ancient Fairy Dragon(上古妖精龍)
RC04-AE032 Herald of the Arc Light(虹光的宣告者)
RC04-AE033 Junk Speeder(廢品增速者)
RC04-AE034 Borreload Savage Dragon(槍管裝填野性龍)
RC04-AE035 (UR)Baronne de Fleur(鮮花女爵)
RC04-AE036 (UR)Downerd Magician(掃興書呆魔術師)
RC04-AE037 Ghostrick Angel of Mischief(鬼計駝天使)
RC04-AE038 Galaxy-Eyes Full Armor Photon Dragon(銀河眼全武裝光子龍)
RC04-AE039 Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon(真紅眼鋼炎龍)
RC04-AE040 Number 100: Numeron Dragon(No.100 源數龍)
RC04-AE041 Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star(宵星的機神 丁吉爾蘇)
RC04-AE042 Time Thief Redoer(時間潛行者 重塑者)
RC04-AE043 (UR)Cherubini, Ebon Angel of the Burning Abyss(彼岸的黑天使凱魯畢尼)
RC04-AE044 (UR)Knightmare Unicorn(夢幻界 獨角獸)
RC04-AE045 Mekk-Knight Crusadia Avramax(双穹的騎士 阿斯特拉姆)
RC04-AE046 Code Talker Inverted(碼語者 翻轉)
RC04-AE047 Striker Dragon(撞針龍)
RC04-AE048 Selene, Queen of the Master Magicians(神聖魔皇后 塞勒涅)
RC04-AE049 Decode Talker Heatsoul(解碼語者 火熱之魂)
RC04-AE050 Artemis, the Magistus Moon Maiden(聖魔的乙女 阿爾提密斯)
RC04-AE051 (UR)Change of Heart(心變)
RC04-AE052 Reinforcement of the Army(增援)
RC04-AE053 Reasoning(名推理)
RC04-AE054 Fossil Dig(化石調査)
RC04-AE055 Spellbook of Judgment(魔導書的神判)
RC04-AE056 (UR)Pre-Preparation of Rites(儀式的下準備)
RC04-AE057 Pot of Desires(強欲的貪慾之壺)
RC04-AE058 (UR)Called by the Grave(墓穴的指名者)
RC04-AE059 Magicalized Fusion(圓融魔術)
RC04-AE060 Pot of Extravagance(強欲的金滿之壺)
RC04-AE061 Dark Ruler No More(冥王結界波)
RC04-AE062 (UR)Lightning Storm(閃電風暴)
RC04-AE063 Nadir Servant(天底的使徒)
RC04-AE064 (UR)Triple Tactics Talent(三戰之才)
RC04-AE065 (UR)Forbidden Droplet(禁忌的一滴)
RC04-AE066 (UR)Chaos Space(混沌領域)
RC04-AE067 (UR)Pot of Prosperity(金滿而謙虛之壺)
RC04-AE068 (UR)Small World(微小世界)
RC04-AE069 Magician's Salvation(魔導師的救助)
RC04-AE070 Compulsory Evacuation Device(強制脫出裝置)
RC04-AE071 Summon Limit(召喚限制網)
RC04-AE072 Ice Barrier(冰結界)
RC04-AE073 Dimensional Barrier(次元障壁)
RC04-AE074 Harpie's Feather Storm(神鷹的羽毛吹雪)
RC04-AE075 Evenly Matched(拮抗勝負)
RC04-AE076 (UR)Infinite Impermanence(無限泡影)
RC04-AE077 (UR)Dogmatika Punishment(教導 懲戒)
RC04-AE078 Shaddoll Schism(影依的偽典)
RC04-AE079 Ice Dragon's Prison(天龍雪獄)
RC04-AE080 Tri-Brigade Revolt(鐵獸的抗戰)
亞英卡池大更新 不過跟OCG同一包好像就沒差別
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/YUGIOH/M.1705724073.A.7B2.html
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