Re: 好吧 再po點歌詞..
: ※ 引述《zzt (Frankie Valli)》之銘言:
這首是kyle一家與stan 還有cartman一起唱的
沒聽過的 如果你不嫌我爛爛的排版 對這首歌有興趣的再看
猶太陀螺的樣子是由一個正方體下面接一個倒三角錐所組成的 上面有圖案
後來cartman也來湊一腳合唱 可是他暗諷猶太人玩這種愚蠢(!?)的遊戲
然後stan也來湊一腳合唱 他唱的是...他不會玩dreidel
接著kyle老媽也來合唱 她唱的是...猶太人最厲害
最後是kyle老爹來合唱 這邊超kuso的
他把Channkah聽成六人行的Monica(Courtney cox)
'Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel'
Kyle: Okay, Ike. You're my little brother,
so I have to show you how to celebrate a Channukah.
This is called a dreidel. You spin it and see where
it lands. And you sing this song:
I have a little dreidel; I made it out of clay.
And when it's dry and ready, with dreidel I shall play. Hoh,
Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, I made you out of clay.
Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, with dreidel I shall play.
Now, you try it, Ike. Just spin it with your fingers, like this…
Ike: H I J K L-O-O P… um. The sun… like… all the rain… play…
Came down the rain and wash the spider out.
Cartman: Hey, what the hell are you doing?!
Kyle: Oh! Hey Cartman. We're playing dreidel; do you wanna try?
Cartman: Sure.
Here's a little dreidel that's small and made of clay.
But I'm not gonna play with it, 'cause dreidel's fuckin' gay.
Kyle: Hey, shut your mouth, fatass!
Cartman: Jews… play stupid games
Jews… that's why they're lame.
Kyle: Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel,
Cartman: Jews…
Kyle: I made you out of clay.
Cartman: play stupid games.
Kyle: Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel,
Cartman: Jews…
Kyle: with dreidel I shall play.
Cartman: that's why they're lame.
Stan: What's going on? …Oh, it's that Channukah thing
Cartman: It's sooo amazing!
You spin this thing on the ground and it goes 'round and 'round.
I could watch it aaall day!
Stan: Let me try.
I'll try to make it spin.
It fell; I'll try again.
Kyle: Hoh, Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, I made you out of clay.
Stan: I'll try to make it spin.
Kyle: Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, with dreidel I shall play.
Stan: It fell; I'll try again.
[together, alternate with Cartman]
Kyle: Hoh, Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel,
Stan: I'll try
Cartman: Jews…
Kyle: I made you out of clay.
Stan: to make it spin.
Cartman: play stupid games.
Kyle: Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel,
Stan: It fell;
Cartman: Jews…
Kyle: with dreidel I shall play.
Stan: I'll try again.
Cartman: that's why they're lame.
Kyle: Hoh, Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel,
Stan: I'll try
Cartman: Jews…
Kyle: I made you out of clay.
Stan: to make it spin.
Cartman: play stupid games.
Kyle: Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel,
Stan: It fell;
Cartman: Jews…
Kyle: with dreidel I shall play.
Stan: I'll try again.
Cartman: that's why they're lame.
Sheila: Hello, boys!
Kyle: Hi, Mom!
Sheila: Oh, how precious! You boys are all playing dreidel.
Now, you know that dreidel is a time-honored tradition for the Hebrew people.
Cartman: Yes, we know, Ms. Broflofski. It's so very interesting.
Sheila: Now when you learn to make the dreidel spin
You'll know our people always win.
Keep spinning: Learn
Cartman: Jews…
Sheila: to make the dreidel spin
Cartman: play stupid games.
Sheila: You'll know
Cartman: Jews…
Sheila: our people always win.
Cartman: that's why they're lame.
Kyle: Oh, hi Dad.
Gerald: Hello, everybody. Say, can I join in?
Kyle: Sure.
I have a little dreidel; I made it out of clay.
And when it's dry and ready, with dreidel I shall- everybody!
[together, alternate with Cartman]
Kyle: Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel,
Stan: I'll try
Sheila: Now when you learn
Gerald: Courtney Cox,
Cartman: Jews…
Kyle: I made you out of clay.
Stan: to make it spin.
Sheila: to make the dreidel spin
Gerald: I love you.
Cartman: play stupid games.
Kyle: Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel,
Stan: It fell;
Sheila: You'll know
Gerald: You're so hot
Cartman: Jews…
Kyle: with dreidel I shall play.
Stan: I'll try again.
Sheila: our people always win.
Gerald: on that show.
Cartman: that's why they're lame.
Kyle: Hoh, Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel,
Stan: I'll try
Sheila: Keep spinning: learn
Gerald: Courtney Cox,
Cartman: Jews…
Kyle: I made you out of clay.
Stan: to make it spin.
Sheila: to make the dreidel spin
Gerald: I love you.
Cartman: play stupid games.
Kyle: Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel,
Stan: It fell;
Sheila: You'll know
Gerald: You're so hot
Cartman: Jews…
Kyle: with dreidel I shall play.
Stan: I'll try again.
Sheila: our people always win.
Gerald: on that show.
Cartman: ———
Gerald:: Courtney Cox, I love you.
You're so hot on that show.
Kyle: Dad?
Gerald: Courtney Cox,
Kyle: Dad.
Gerald: I- huh?
Kyle: We're singing about a dreidel.
Gerald: …Oh, sorry.
Sheila: We'll talk about this later, Gerald!
[together, alternate with Cartman]
Kyle: Hoh, Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel,
Stan: I'll try
Sheila: Now when you learn
Gerald: Courtney Cox,
Cartman: Jews…
Kyle: I made you out of clay.
Stan: to make it spin.
Sheila: to make the dreidel spin
Gerald: I love you.
Cartman: play stupid games.
Kyle: Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel,
Stan: It fell;
Sheila: You'll know
Gerald: You're so hot
Cartman: Jews…
Kyle: with dreidel I shall play.
Stan: I'll try again.
Sheila: our people always win.
Gerald: on that show.
Cartman: that's why they're lame.
Kyle: Hoh, Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel,
Stan: I'll try
Sheila: Keep spinning: learn
Gerald: Courtney Cox,
Cartman: Jews…
Kyle: I made you out of clay.
Stan: to make it spin.
Sheila: to make the dreidel spin
Gerald: I love you.
Cartman: play stupid games.
Kyle: Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel,
Stan: It fell;
Sheila: You'll know
Gerald: You're so hot
Cartman: Jews…
[big finish]
Kyle: with dreidel I shall play.
Stan: I'll try again.
Sheila: our people- know our people always win.
Gerald: on that show.
Cartman: that's why they're lame.
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