Re: 好吧 再po點歌詞..

看板SouthPark (南方公園)作者 (Frankie Valli)時間22年前 (2003/01/31 00:57), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ 引述《Skite (Abstemious)》之銘言: : 有「Kyle's mon is a bitch」這首嗎? : 我覺得還滿好笑的 : 只記得什麼「She's a super bitch whole wild world」的 嗯...好像有兩個版本... 一個是有加入各地cartman兒童合唱的版本 另一個沒有 我po的是後者(因為我也不知道怎麼po那幾種語言@@) 歌詞簡單易懂...XD Well, Kyle's mom a bitch, she a big fat bitch, she the biggest bitch in the whole wide world. She's a stupid bitch, if there ever was a bitch. She's a bitch to all the boys and girls. Monday, she's a bitch. On Tuesdays, she's a bitch and Wednesday through Saturday, she's a bitch. Then on Sunday, just to be different, she's a super King Kamayamaya beeyoch. Have you ever met my friend Kyle's mom? She's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world. She's a mean old bitch and has stupid hair. She's a b-b-b-b-b-b-bitch. B-b-b-b-b-b-b-bitch she's a stupid bitch. Kyle's mom's a bitch and she's just a dirty bitch. Kyle's mom is a bitch. Ahhhhhhh *Sigh -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
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文章代碼(AID): #-ELbfvF (SouthPark)