[閒聊] 追憶篇的模型ㄚ

看板KShistoryACG作者 (藍菱)時間23年前 (2002/03/24 14:13), 編輯推噓0(000)
留言0則, 0人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
嗯,,,不知道大家最近有沒有去公館的漂亮點子?? 它裡面有巴,拔刀齋,沖天和齋藤的模型ㄛ 不知道擺多久了...說不定是藍太久沒去了~^^|||| 不過價格當然是.....貴...||||||||| 不過還蠻不錯的.....巴跟拔刀齋的作的不錯~^^~ 去膜拜一下也好:p -- Keep smiling,keep shining Knowing you can always come on me For sure That's what friends are for For good times and bad times I'll be on your side forever more. That's what friends are for That's What Friends Are For
文章代碼(AID): #ydMwO00 (KShistoryACG)
文章代碼(AID): #ydMwO00 (KShistoryACG)